Returning player looking for a Guild!

Kiaora my bros!

Returning player from back in the day. Been away for a few expacs now, have experience Raid leading and Main Tanking from TBC, WOTLK and Cata.

Just leveling up a DH at the moment, wanting to chat, dungeon and level up and hopefully join for some harder raid content!

My discord is kohaa_zh or hit me me up here please!

Hey Soulrug! How are you?
You are welcome to join us in Valhalla! We are the largest PVE guild in OCE, and we have a large NZ community!
We have 17 raid teams, 4 of them are NZ teams, and heaps of M+.
If you are interested in joining us, send me a pm on discord, Varcoe_Valhalla