Returning player - looking for a guild for the first time

Hello all,

I am a returning player from a few months ago. I have had very little experience with anything end-game related. I played a handful of low M+ with my IRL friends in BFA, but not much outside of that. I have a habit of just making endless swaths of alts instead of progressing to end-game content, but now I have at least one of every class to level 60, so I figured it’s time I find a new player friendly guild. I play a few hours most nights (around 9pm-11pm EST), but weekends are when I usually end up playing longer. I’m also 21+ if that matters.

All of my characters are split about evenly between Area-52 and Illidan. All Horde. I really want to experience all WoW has to offer and would love to find a very friendly guild that is flexible so I can finally get to experience WoW to its fullest. I’m not the worst player in the world, but I still have plenty to learn. Currently just running the raid on LFR, but I would like to bump up the difficulty and get the higher Ilvl gear and/or push keys and do PvP. I am open to anything really. I am maining warrior right now, mostly fury, but arms as well on the occasion, however, I have all the classes to max level and would be willing to switch if needed.

If any other person is in a similar boat as me and can’t find a guild from this forum, I suppose we could also consider starting our own. Feel free to respond to this post as well if there is any interest in that.

Also, not sure why my profile is showing my warrior as level 55, but he is 60 and my main.


Hey Bullcosbyy, love the name lol. Are you open to any server transfers? My brother and I are experienced players looking to build an inclusive guild over on thrall. We actually just switched over there today and are actively trying to build a new family up before 9.2. Feel free to reach out with any questions!

HAIL! Bullcosbyy,

[Emotional Damage] is a newly formed guild on [Area 52] with many returning player such as your self. We have a wide spectrum of players from the less experienced to mythic progression veterans such as my self.

We are currently recruiting to fill our ranks for our Raids, Heroic Raids of course. We would love to have a warrior in ranks. of course bring an alt or two, switch to what you want to play we want you to fell comfortable and happy playing your toon for the duration of progression.

That being said we are an adult guild as well, and understand life happens if you cant make a raid just let someone know and no harm no foul.

if you would like to know more and want to run some mythic keys with us add me
Disclaimer we are hoping to fill ranks for 9.2 content so we are not currently on a raid schedule But our usual raid times are tues-weds 8-11pm server time.
Hope to hear from you!

Hey there! My guild raids on weekend afternoons and is currently looking for a warrior. We’d be happy to show you the ropes of the endgame.

Hello there! My guild is semi-casual and very new player friendly. We have spots open for next tier and currently have no warrior, so you’d be very welcome! I’ll drop my recruitment add below and if raid time works for you, i’d love to have you contact one of us!


Nocturnal Is a late HORDE night guild that has been raiding since Ulduar, is currently recruiting experienced and perspective raiders to help rebuild and fill out our roster.

Type: Semi-hardcore progression

SL Progression
4/10 M 10/10 H SoD
4/10M 10/10 H CN

Faction: Horde
Raid Times:Times:
10:30Pm-1:30Am (PST)
11:30Pm-2:30Am (MTN)
12:30Pm- 3:30Am (CNT)
1:30Am -4:30Am (EST)

Please contact Coltongrundy#1258 OR Hamster#11648

Thanks haha! The name kind of locks me into my current race, but it’s all good. I’d definitely be willing to switch if I can’t find anything on my current sever. I’ll keep you posted!

Hi there, we’re on Area 52 and have an active community for someone like you! While we’re full on melee if you wanted to raid we’d be happy to help you gear up one of your ranged DPS toons.

Abomination - Area 52 is a casual guild. We started as a reroll guild, but are now moving to the next stage. Everyone any level any class is welcome to join us!

Our raid days are Thursday and Friday 7:30pm EST - 10:30pm EST. We are just raiding Thursdays until January. Our current progress is 10/10N 8/10H. Our goal is to hit heroic at a reasonable pace, achieve AOTC every tier and possibly more. Repairs, flasks, feasts, etc, will all provided for each raid when appropriate.

Raid Recruitment Needs:
Ranged DPS

If you are not interested in raiding we have people running keys every day.

So if you are interested in joining us, having some fun, and making new friends or have some questions feel free to join us in discord:

Hi there! If you happen to feel the calling to roll an ally toon: I run a social, casual guild currently raiding both normal and heroic SoD. We have an active discord and a kind community. I would love to tell you more about us! Discord: AwesomeLibrarian#2740

Awesome, yeah definitely keep us in mind! We have a little over a month and a half or so until 9.2 comes out so you have time to consider your options. But we’d love to have ya. You can reach out to me on or Discord. Whatever is easier TheWizard#11144
Discord: ProtectorOfNecks#3330 shoot me a message on either platform. Hope to hear from ya soon!