Returning player, LFG

Hi friends,

I’m a recently returning player, and though I’ve called ED my home for many years, am currently homeless.

I am looking to get back into the community and get settled Horde or Alliance-side (preferably Horde, but it’s not a showstopper) before Shadowlands. My preferences are toward 5 man content/wpvp.

Only relevant because of my personal responsibilities, I’m in my mid-30s with a couple of little ones, so I’m not looking for anything with hard schedule commits, as life can get tough to predict sometimes for me and I don’t want to let my guildies down. :wink:

Are there any semi-casual, active groups looking for members to just chill and have a good time? I’ve scrolled through the in-game recruitment listings, but figured reaching out on the forums might get a little more detailed response.



Welcome back! I would recommend looking joining the ED Council Discord to get some help with locating a guild that is right for you. Lots of helpful people there! If you decide to come Alliance come talk to me in game! Llu can hook you up with a discord invite!

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Hey, welcome back to Azeroth! Please, watch your step as their are tentacles and eyes everywhere.

I’d like to encourage you to try out the community. They’re active across 50 servers. Which honestly was originally a drawback for me, but now love it. Because even though they’re across multiple servers, they still keep it real on Emerald Dream. WPvP happens nearly every night. Must any time you get on if you want to run content with someone, there’s bound to be someone else on. The guilds are casual but at the same time provide structure and also a competitive nature for those that desire to be better at their class.

And that’s my suggestion.