Do Not Release
9/9N 7/9H
Faction: Horde
Server: Area 52
Time Zone: EST
We’re looking for talented players who enjoy progression for our Heroic+ Progression raid and casuals for our guild casual raid. We are a mythic raiding minded guild though, and plan to build a team for Mythic. We also run M+s throughout the week with each other.
About us:
We are currently a small guild that is working on growing. We have a solid core of officers and have been getting AOTC on heroic. Most of us are working professionals. We hit 3/8 Mythic in Uldir and are looking forward to the challenge of defeating Lady Jaina. We also have a great group of people who love to hang out in discord and talk, never be afraid to hop in and chat with us. 
Raid Times:
-Guild Casual Raid-
Thurs 9:30PM-12:00PM Server time (EST)
-Heroic+ Progression-
Sat/Sun, 9:30PM-12:30PM Server Time (EST)
What We’re Looking For (But NOT Limited to):
-Heroic+ Progression Raid-
*Ele Shaman
*Any acceptable applicants can apply
A positive attitude is required because this is a chill group. We screen all likely candidate’s logs and raiding history and a two-week probationary period before you become an official raider with the guild.
Raider Expectations:
- Be on time.
- Know your class thoroughly and have the confidence to give and receive criticism on your class.
- Be comfortable having your warcraft logs reviewed and feedback given.
- Know your role for a boss fight for each and every boss.
What you can expect from the Guild
- Professional Staff
- Raid Flasks and Potions
- M+ 10+ every week
- Professional non-hostile raid environment
- Fun people to talk to and goof around with
Loot is personal except for BOE’s which the guild uses to pay for cauldrons and other expenses. Everyone is responsible for prepots/mana pots, however the guild makes these available at a subsidized cost. We have a system to roll on unwanted gear.
Additional Info
We use discord it is required.
Some addons are required.
If interested, please whisper any of these individuals:
Raid Lead: Raxah#1345
Guild Lead: Fury#1442
Officer: Zoobi#11504
Recruiter: Angel#11564