Hi, I’m a returning player looking for a new home in SL. I started playing late in Legion, and raided heroic from Antorus through CoS. (Can provide logs) Mostly mained Warrior, although I’m looking to play either Warrior or Hunter in SL.
I also enjoy doing some M+ and dabbling in PVP. Currently, I’m not interested in going for CE.
I’m available for raid times between 8:00pm - Midnight CST any day of the week.
I’m currently Horde on Turalyon but I’m willing to change servers or factions.
Discord: Dragonaut#5275
Bnet: Dragonaut#11448
Hi there! Ill be in touch soon!
Mission Statement: We have a great opportunity here to get in on the ground floor for a new community rebuild. We intend to be primarily raid focused, but at a more working-man/woman’s schedule and focus. We want to welcome with open arms anyone looking for a “Friday night with the guys/gals” type of atmosphere where friends come together for their bi-weekly game nights.
About our Leadership: Our guild is headed by 2 individuals with extensive leadership experience in both daily lives and inside World of Warcraft. We’re ready to make the game a great experience again. No drama is a must!
About our Guild: We strive to bring friendship and integrity to all things we do with one another in the guild; Kinship built through shared love of gaming & having fun with like-minded individuals. We recommend being someone who wants a laid-back atmosphere, looking to build a new, great guild with us.
Schedule: Tues/Fri (8PM-11PM CST)
3 Healers (My preference is folks whom can maintain other healers as well and/or play offspecs. This isn’t a requirement, but would be a welcome sight. Multi-purpose players kill bosses quicker!)
Lots of DPS (I’m in the market for a lot of DPS at this point. Please be someone that is open to playing whatever is best for each phase of content. I’m not looking to pester folks to make good comp decisions, so be someone who enjoys doing what’s best for each tier)
If you have any questions, please contact:
GM BNET: Ekye#11711
GM Discord: Ekyu#3966
Our times fit your parameters, and our aspirations and gaming plans align with what you’re looking for - so you might fit in nicely with us. I’ll discord you here in a bit also. See our copypasta below too…
Guild Name: Army of Darkness
Faction: Horde
Gaming Style: PvE (Focus on M+ and Heroic Raiding, no plans for mythic currently!)
Raiding Days: Tuesday and Thursday
Raiding Times: 8-11 PM Server Time (6-9 PST, 9-12 EST, 2-5 UTC)
Server: Mal’Ganis
About us:
We’re a laid back group of gamers who’ve been around the WoW scene for awhile. We’ve done Mythic in the past but haven’t got the time to invest in that now as we have full time jobs, families, etc. We still want to do the content though and enjoy ourselves, so that means Heroic raiding and Mythic Plus! We dabble in other content as well, such as Arena/BGs, but this is not a primary focus.
If you want to get into a good group that can be laid back and fun, then we’d be glad to have you. Jump in our discord or send me a friend request and we’ll see if you’d be a good fit!
Discord Server code: bPMT7rF
Contact: Aridhol#4421 on Discord or Aridhol#1811 on Battle.net
I am PapaDobek, I have led many guilds over the years including server 1st kills. I plan to build a core 10man group with competent players and possibly a 25man if I can find the players. This is a progression and pvp driven guild. Raids will be x2 days a week, on the weekdays starting at 9:00pm ranging from 2-3 hours. Guild mates are encouraged to form arena groups and there will be weekend fun guild calendar events that are not required but optional, such as battlegrounds, alt runs, etc. If the above sounds good for you please shoot me a message and I will gladly send out an invite. We have discord, website is thewayofthefist.enjin. com, you can also find us searching in the in-game guild search. We do not tolerate any kind of toxic behavior, this is a place of peace for us adults to unwind out of our hectic days.
Calendar/Raid events will be posted once they are available.
Hey Dragon, Nerve is a guild that I believe may fit your interests. I will say though, I don’t know what type of raid times you’re looking for, but if we fit the time-frames you may be interested in, then let’s talk! We’re a team of prior CE Mythic Raiders, rebuilding for Shadowlands. Here is a link to our post: [A] Recruiting For CE Raiding In Shadowlands
If you’re interested, add myself or my co-leader Radee, and we can chat some more!
Hey Dragonaut,
We also enjoy mythic plus and dabble in pvp. More like sticking our toes in the water though as we concentrate on pve. It looks like you have a lot to read, so I’ll drop a little introduction below:
We have a few unique-led raid teams. A tiny bit of background: discord community of 400+ focused on WoW with one guild on Horde-Illidan and one guild on Alliance-Sargeras. We like to welcome people that need a drama free home, mythic plus group, and/or a raid team! I’ll drop some links below so you can get to know us better behind the scenes without any pressure.
Website: Envelop.gg
Bnet Post: https://us.forums.blizzard.com/en/wow/t/haillidansargeras-envelop-multiple-teams-pve-community/605256
Discord: https://discord.gg/5xcU6ue
You are more than welcome to stay in our discord and chat with us without joining the guild. If you have any questions, please message me on discord. Saph#7860
Thank you and good luck in Shadowlands my friend!