Returning Player LF Raiding Guild

As title states. I am returning to the game. I am looking for a raiding guild that raids on Wed/Thurs/Fri. I am a capable player who can either Tank/DPS on almost any level. I am flexible on any class. Just might need a little help catching up. I am a night shift worker so I am always down to run keys. I have experience mostly AOTC pushing and minor mythic progression but always try to get KSM in any season.

Please reach out to me on my handles. TwistedTrick#1368
Discord- twisted13

Hey Twistedkings! We are looking for a player like you to play with and raid with. If you’re looking for a balance between content progression and a fun guild, Heartbreakers is the perfect fit for you.

Heartbreakers is a friendly Heroic Raiding guild. Our goal is to achieve AOTC and potentially make some Mythic boss progress while maintaining a positive, fun, welcoming, and friendly atmosphere. On off days, many of our members engage in arenas, battlegrounds, lower and higher keys for Mythic+, running old raids, and hanging out on Discord. A significant portion of our guild consists of players who have been actively playing the game since The Burning Crusade and have been tackling various content together.

Our raid progression and raid days/times are as follows:

9/9 H (Tuesday and Thursday, 9 PM to 12 AM EST). Casual/Alt raid on Monday and Wednesday, 9 PM to 12 AM.
In addition I host various 9/9N runs and Heroic runs, generally the start I start the weekend raids between 5pm and 7pm.

Heartbreakers prides itself on striking a pleasant balance with the following traits:

Friendliness, respect, progression, and stability.

What we are looking for:

M+ Key pushers, we have people who do starter keys all the way up to 20+ key pushers.

Healers (Ideally a Priest, Monk and a Pally)

DPS: Both ranged and melee.

DPS with healing off-spec.

We seek dependable players with good attitudes, be it raiders or casual players. We welcome individuals searching for a long-term guild to call home, where they can enjoy both the game’s content and experiences, along with the social aspect of the game.

Feel free to add me on BNet at yrreg4791#1858. I look forward to chatting with you and possibly raiding together! :slight_smile:

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Hi Twistedkings!

I’m Kiuayoukai, a cheeky Pandaren Resto Shaman, and proud assistant GM of the guild/community Found a Green Quest on Zul’jin.

Our guild has been around since 2018 founded by my husband Jarsha and myself with our visions of being a social/casual and active community regardless of what members are interested in. Our guild is thriving; however, we are in need of recruiting more friends for Season 3 and future expansions and you’re invited! Whether you are a new player, returning player, or and alt looking for a place to call home.

We are a laid-back casual guild for adults who play when they can while keeping the social aspect of the game alive. We believe that real life comes first, and the game second. We enjoy playing all aspects of the game and are here to help others on their journey in and out of Azeroth. We group up for timewalking/heroic/mythic dungeons or old content farming for achievements/transmogs/mounts/pets. With a Saturday raid team focused on Normal difficulty/Timewalking raids for those looking to experience the raid in a stress-free environment with a group of friends or for people who have never raided before and are looking to learn or just run an extra raid that week on one of their alts.

We are looking to rebuild our Primary raid team with the goals of AOTC and Glory of Achievements every tier. Times are Thursday/Friday 7:30PM EST – 10:00PM EST

Regardless of what content you enjoy, you are welcome to take flight with us and enjoy the game. Come join us!

If you have any questions, please let me know!

We’re listed in the guild finder in game or you can reach me here or on discord: kiuayoukai

Thank you for taking the time to check out our recruitment. We wish you the best of luck this tier & future tiers to come!

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[Guild: Taste Like Chicken] Is looking for members to key and Raid with.

All day erry day for keys! !keys /keys keys! all day

Wed 8:00-10:00 pm Server/Eastern (Normal/Heroic)
Fri 8:30-9:30 pm Server/Eastern (Heroic)
Fri/Sat 09:30-12:30 pm Server/Eastern (Mythic)

Shortbusfuhn#11886 Darkmordredd#1718 Skiid#11883 Zachai#11212

Check us here:

Glorious Purpose aims to be a competitive end-game progression guild on Area 52 Horde (don’t worry we do welcome you alliance folks :heart: ). We are a core of players that are here to enjoy the game, but also respect the aims to approach raiding, and progressing in a competitive manner. Our goals are to build a officer core that sets the example in stable and experienced leadership, where we are available to all members at all times. We aim to build a core raid team that are all players that stand out in their classes, and commit to raid nights.

Progression: Leaders are AOTC, 1/9M (through pugs currently)

Raid Schedule:

Tuesday/Wednesday - 8:00 - 11:00PM EST (Progression Raiding)

Additional activities are currently being added through the calendar to better support our core raiders and make raid times more convenient for those interested.

Mythic Keys
Aiming to build a strong, active Key running community, where we are pushing high keys and IO.

Recruitment (Raid) Information:

Is currently looking for experienced and competitive team raiders to complete its core.

Currently Recruiting: Immediate Needs.

:dagger: All Spots are open (Guild is new and building team, if you are interested I ask for patience as we build. I promise you, its worth the wait)

All competitive applicants are welcome to apply

While not hard requirements, as we want to maintain a laid back / chill raiding environment we do expect you to do your homework. Come prepared to raid, study the fights prior to raid night, run mythic + for free vault upgrades, bring personal consumables. Show up on time.

What can we offer you?

:dagger: Very experienced and structured Leadership
:dagger: Mythic +, Normal / Heroic / Mythic Raiding Weekly.
:dagger: A environment where your time is valued, and appreciated.
:dagger: A forever home, like you, we are tired of the instability of guilds and want a home.
:dagger: A place where your guildmates will become friends.
:dagger: Free guild repair / supplies for raid.

Overall, i aim to recruit players that are driven, competitive and always looking to improve themselves and their team-mates. We use our time efficiently, maintain focus, and exercise discipline where required. We don’t wish to waste your time (during raid/Keys etc), please don’t waste ours. However, On farm content nights, atmosphere is more relaxed. Our time is precious, and we know your’s is as well. Efficiency is our goal.

If you feel this is something you’d wanna take part in you can add me on bnet at GucciPotato#11592 or join our discord