Copied from the LFG on the discord. Figured id toss my feelers in here too.
Character Name: Luckylight
Class: Pally (lvl 53 atm) or Warrior (71 atm)
Spec: Holy/Ret… Arms/Fury/Prot
Interested in Raiding? (Yes/No): Yes
Best Raid Times for Me: Weeknights after 8pm est (excluding Thursdays)
Type of Guild Interested In? (Hardcore, Semicore, Casual): Semicore?
Loot System Preference: any
Other Info About Me (Warcraft Logs, WoW experience, etc.): Just coming back to wotlk after taking a break from WoW. Have a (4261gs) 214 ilvl Frost/Arcane mage that cleared everything up to uld. Currently leveling this pally and warrior in hopes to possibly heal or dps. Looking for something different than ranged dps. Also have a DK at 80, and can level anything needed. I enjoy being a team player and raiding with some chill people.
AOTC Spriest Retail raider (once a week, thursdays) Been playing and raiding since 2004. Full cleared WOTLK the first go-around.
Can reach me on Discord. Luckylux#2442