Hello everyone! I last played during Dragonflight (first 6-8 months), I honestly can’t remember if I raided or not during that time. If I did then it was just for fun and not progression. I’m looking for a guild that does a little of everything. I’ve never been too big into PvP other than to mess around when I’m board. My real passion is raiding. I’ve raided in the past as a hard-core raider all the way to casual. Right now my mindset is Semi-Casual or Semi-Hardcore.
I have a life outside of the game. Filled with several sporting events and tournaments with my kids. I have a full time+ job so honestly I have the weekends to play that’s about it. I’m a very late night person. I’ll tend to be online after 11PM MST and weekends is hit and miss during the day but for sure 10PM-3-4AM MST (Sat/Sun) Friday nights are also hit and miss with me.
I’m a social butterfly if you will. I play games to play with other like minded people. Solo has never been my cup of tea. I have a very thick skin, you will probably never offend me. I work construction if that helps you understand. If you talk trash, just be ready to get it back. Don’t dish it out if you can’t take it back.
If you feel you might have a place for me then reach out. My btag is Buche#1684 or just post here if you have something you feel will work. Thanks for taking the time to read this. I’m sure you seen tons of them during the day/week but this post is special because it’s me and I’m sure you need a guy like me to bring the comedy… Leveling DK right now but I’ll play anything the group needs honestly. Thanks again.