Returning player LF mythic progression oriented raid team for 10.2

I have been gone from live for a little while been raid testing and M+ testing on ptr I am looking to play etiher specs of dh any spec of dk or Holy pally/ Resto druid. I have mythic expierence on all of them and will most likely keep them all geared and kept up regardless of guild needs just out of sheer enjoyment of them. so if you need any of these feel free to reach out. the raid team i was originally going to be apart of fell apart and will no longer be raiding so here i am looking for a new one.

Hey we are looking for a DH or DK to round out our raid team.

Hiya, I’m recruiting for my guild group 2 that we are starting up. (Area 52)

Group 1 went 7/9 mythic this tier and we are looking to push into cutting edge this tier.
We raid Monday/Tuesday 9pm to midnight est.

We are an all adult guild that like to hang out, have a good time and push content. M+ active during the seasons, overall we like to chill and have a good time. We all come to wow to kill stuff and not have drama.

Currently need:
Tanks: closed (will recruit a dps that comfortable offspec tanking)
Healers: need 2 healers, any of these classes.
Pres evoker, MW monk, resto druid/shaman.
DPS: open to any, we currently need more melee. Big yes please to WW monk, rogue, warrior atm. But open to anyone comfortable dpsing.

All raiders need to be near or above 440ilvl by first day of 10.2 raiding (November 14th)

If interested please contact me via discord.


Thanks have a good day and better luck!