Returning player LF Heroic Raiding Guild

Howdy Haystey, and welcome back!

Revered with Death are beginning heroic progression tonight! Yup, we might be a little slower than other guilds, we’re a bit more casual.

Since you were raiding Mythic, unsure if you are wanting to get back into the Mythic raiding scene. While we aren’t completely against the idea, we aren’t a group of players that are willing to take that kind of punishment.

Here’s our Guild spam: [H] <Revered with Death> (Thrall) What's your end game?

We are located on Thrall, and EST server, but you’ll find most activity happening around PST times.

We do a lot more than raid, throughout the week we are running keystones, maybe running some guild achievements. Last night we took over and LFR and just had a faceroll fun time.

Give me a shout if we might be something you are interested.

Best of luck to you in your search!

