Returning player just looking for a guild to play with. Raiding guild or not doesn’t matter but would be nice if socially/active and helpful. Discord would be a plus
just add me if interested, will play any faction/class/role. Have always played tank but am open to anything.
obviously everyone has free time on their hands now.
Welcome back! Hope you stay for shadowlands. Check out the recruitment discord! Guilds are sorted by faction, type (CE, AOTC, etc) and raiding schedule (Weekend/Weekday, etc) to make finding a home easier. If you need any help, just post in the help channel, and our mods will assist you as they are available to do so.
We wipe the channels every tier so they stay current. Good luck and happy hunting!
PS you can also search in a specific channel for a certain time by using the search bar and selecting a channel you’re interested in. Once you have that you can put a time or a day, etc in order to make sure that you find guilds that meet your schedule needs. The screenshot below is an example. The right side shows the guilds in Horde CE 3 Day that raid at 10pm.
Welcome back Randojambo. I’ve recently returned to the game myself! Please feel free to give my guild a look-over. Best wishes finding a guild!
About Us:
(on Thrall) was founded by a group of friends just before the release of Warlords of Draenor. Unfortunately due to people’s opinions of the latest expansion Battle For Azeroth, we have decided to take a break. We are currently rebuilding and are looking to bring new and experienced players to take on the remaining challenges of BFA and further into Shadowlands. We are a semi-hardcore raiding guild focused on achieving Ahead of the Curve. We are looking forward to building an exceptional team.
Roles Needed:
Currently all roles are needed, with the highest demand on tanks and healers!
Times are currently tentative
Tues - Thurs at 10p EST to 1a
LordThoth666#1578 (bnet) - CoFounder/Guild Master
AdriAlmighty#1682 (bnet) / Adrisenpai#9736 (discord) - CoFounder/Officer
Thanks for considering us.