Returning player LF guild

Hi there! I’m a long time veteran, returning to Classic after a hiatus due to RL circumstances and playing DF. I’m in search of a great place to call home that’s social and welcoming, ultimately would like to raid. I’m a dad gamer now, so time is valuable, and looking for something between 8-11 or so Central Time. At this stage in life, social and active means more to me than server rankings and parses. I’m kinda done with guilds that don’t do anything outside of raid and expect those that aren’t as lucky or didn’t go super hard at the start to fend for themselves. Pugging content for gear to help you fill a roster isn’t my idea of guild…
I don’t have a character to max yet, shaman is closest at 75. Willing to chat about class/role needs, have quite a few at 70 or above.
If you think your group might be a good fit, hit me up!
Discord: Arakkias#7641
BNet: Arakkias#1208