Returning player LF guild

Hey y’all! Coming back from a hiatus from July, looking to get back into the swing of things. Looking to roll alliance for a change of pace and change servers. All of my toons are based in Area-52 but after doing some searching, it seems most of the LGBT guilds are based here in proudmore.

Currently a casual player in 9.2, but Got AOTC in Castle and during all of BFA. Been doing heroic raiding since legion and got into casual mythic raiding back 8.2. Im looking at possibly raiding towards 9.2.5 but mainly looking for a guild to call home and start the grind all over again.

Hey Ener!

We would love to have you call Eternity home! Check out more info in our post here. My Btag and Discord is on here, hit me up if you have any questions.

join dads today