Returning player for 9.1. Deciding to come to alliance and level a character for end game. I’m looking for raids and possibly Mythic+
I’m interested playing a paladin. I’ve previously healed/tanked i also have prior raid exp. Weekends work best for me unless the weekday ends early.
Hi there, we are Sanctification. We run keys regularly. Our raid is Wed/Sun 7:30-10pm. 2/11 normal. Friendly and fun oriented guild for everyone.
You can contact Haruspexx, Chaosramda, Haviks, Gingeraholy, Drdeathmage, Nezitate, in game
battlenet = Chaosramda#1852
Try Merci! we are recruiting for the new raid tier. Currently 4/12 norm so far! We raid Mon/Wed 9pm server time (ET) - 11:30PM. Need Tank/Heal/DPS! We also run mythic +, we are fun, goofy at times but serious when needed. Message me on here or Dalethir or Sharkqweesha in game