Returning player LF guild (H)

Primarily for some casual content like transmog farming, the occasional mythics maybe some light RP. WPvP is bae by the way.

Unsure if I’d be wanting to give WoW RP another go but at the very least filling out a TRP profile is always fun. For what it’s worth she’s a Taunka runemaster. The character is a /moo’ing professional, so naturally she’ll be here to give you the beef in PvP. Been out of the loop with WrA for a bit so I’m a bit unsure of what is and is not out there right now.


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Welcome back to the game! If you are interested in a communityu discord based on WRA here is the WCP - Wyrmrest Community Project, there they have a number of guilds listed that may fit what you are looking for. ht tps://

I remember you. We used to hit SW together. :^) Welcome back.


Raiding SW is always fun!