Returning player LF guild for expac.Prior mythic exp. Dps

Good day. Short version I have played the game since BC. Off and on tiers with heroic and mythic. Most recent I got a quick aotc in last patch and 2.7k io. Then I had to relocate for work so I have been off the last couple of months but things are back to normal and schedule is locked in.

Prior to that I was Aotc and a few mythic kills pretty early on in Castle Nathria. And also got deep into mythic Nya’lotha before that. Can provide some logs and all stars

Looking for a guild that is focused on Aotc and M+. Prefer 2 day raid week. Anytime after 7pm central. I am looking at maining dps warrior for Dragon. But am flexible for a good home . If your interested in a solid player and have a healthy raid environment hit me up .

Btag Xionfalling#1834

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Hello Darkshields. My team only raids 1x/week but i thought i’d reach out just in case. we have several spots open on our team. We’re heroic focused, so probably no mythic bosses, although some folks raid with both of our teams. I’ll drop the guild info below and if you’re interested, I’d love to chat and see if we could be a good fit for you.

< Trinity > is an Adult Gaming Community / Guild. We’ve started rebuilding at the end of Season 3 Shadowlands. Our Servers: Icecrown, Garona, Burning Blade, Lightning’s Blade & Malygos ot of our Members are from **Most of us are from servers such as Thrall,Illidan,Sargaras,Stormrage, Proudmoore, Bleeding Hollow , & Malganis . We are recruiting for DragonFlight Come Check us out !!

**Players are expected to be open to Giving & Receiving Constructive Criticism. We look for players that know their classes, specs as well as raid mechanics. Trial periods lengths are case by case but will not come in as bench warmers as we want to see how you can perform in progression. We Will Teach “IF” you’re willing to learn.

We understand that things can come up and schedules can change. Notice of absence is required using the guild’s discord. Let the GM - Raid Lead - Officer know. We are flexible with you, Real Life Comes First!!

Raids: Heroic Progression Minded
Wednesday and Thursday 9:00 - 12:00 pm Central with a 10-minute break around 10:00 & 11:00 pm.
Mythic +: Ran Daily / Nightly = +2 - +20 +

Recruitment Needs:

Druid ( Resto / Balance / Feral / Guardian ) - in that order needed
Hunter ( Ranged Pref)
Mage ( Any )
Warlock ( Any )
Shaman ( Resto / Elemental / Enhancement ) Windfury Totem Highly Needed
Priest ( Shadow / Holy = Disc )
Death Knight (Unholy =Frost / Blood)
Monk ( MW / WW / Brew ) in that order needed
Rogue ( Outlaw / Assassin = Sub ) in that order needed
Warrior (Fury = Arms / Prot )
Demon Hunter (Havoc > Vengeance )
Paladin (Holy / Ret / Prot )

Look forward to hearing from you! Contact info: GM - Disocrd :Toxicity#6897 Bnet: Astrelles#1444 Recruiter - Discord: BJB#0407 Bnet: Devill#11943, check us out.

Hi Darkshields,

Death Jesters, a 17 year old raiding guild would love to have you apply! We’re an old-school guild that has been a robust and thriving community with our sister guild, Zeroes to Heroes.

We have always prided ourselves on being a very small, closely-bonded mythic guild. We have a long history of raiding and have achieved numerous server firsts and top rankings. Many of us have been raiding together since Molten Core or previous MMOs

While no where as hardcore as we used to be, we’ve been playing some casual mythic on a 2 day raid schedule for Shadowlands.

The team’s desire is to go back to CE for Dragonflight and make some great progress in S4. We’ve had the same leadership for 17 years with players that are multi Hall of Fame, CE, and even those that are newer to mythic raiding.

We raid:

Fridays & Saturdays 11:00pm-2:00pm EST.

If you’re interested or looking for more information, feel free to message any Death Jester officer: Sparty (BattlenetID and Discord: Sparty#1780), Featherpile(Discord: scenario#5608)


Hey there! Naughtytime here! Back with more Raid recruiting for my guild :slight_smile: OPEN to horde or alliance with 9.2.5 dropping! Currently fated raiding and prepping for DF!

I am the GM/ RL of The Alliance guild, Exclusive Outcasts (EO) on Kel’thuzad. We are an AOTC/Casual mythic prog guild! This guild is over 5 years old, collecting every AOTC all the way back to Uldir! With casual mythic prog along the way, but I feel like we got something special going on here!

As of right now we finished 11/11 Heroic and 4/11M For sepulcher of the first ones! For 9.2.7 we are heroic raiding on tuesdays and mythic raiding Wednesday and Thursday. Set raid days are Wed/thursday 7-10 server. (9-12 eastern for reference) Days can be changed, normally a Tuesday to fit schedules. BUT! This is always communicated! We are looking for potential mythic raiders, along with heroic raiders! We will always need a top 20 for mythic, so competition might be tight!

I have my regulars; I have my new people. But sometimes people just need to take a break from the game which I totally understand. SO here I am recruiting once again! I am looking for competitive people willing to stick around and grow as a team. This guild will be alive and well going into Dragonflight :slight_smile: Competition is healthy! As of right now new recruits will have a fair chance at the top 20 raid roster. We are paying attention to our team to see who’s doing well and who’s struggling. Rosters are never set in stone and changes can be made! People who know their class, put in the time, and contribute to the raid team will always be competition for spots.

Looking for a potential SOLID mythic tank and a RDPS/MDPS! Healers we have an abundance of, but we could make things work. Honestly anyone has a shot! Mdps, RDPS. Casuals, fillers, ANYTHING! More people the better. Never know when we need back ups :slight_smile:

We have multiple members able to push higher keys. (20+). We run 15+ keys nightly. If you need a key, just ask!! we also have been running some RBGS recently and it’s been a blast. People are also running 2s and 3s :). Mount runs and achievement runs are planned and completed when brought up! We are in discord nightly having a good time! :sunglasses::sunglasses: Excited for you to join us!

Contact me at my battle net/Discord or just comment on the post :slight_smile:

Ty - Naughty#3575

[H][US][Dalaran] 2-Day Mythic Progression Guild LF DPS - T/Th (8-11 PM EST)

Hello Darkshields!

I would love for you to join my team!

Progression: 2/10 M CN, 10/10 H SoD, 11/11 H Sepulcher – been filling the roster still.

Our History: We recently reformed on Dalaran for a better server culture and are excited to have a Stranger Things-themed guild!

What we offer:

  1. Mythic + (multiple groups run +20-27 keys)
  2. Alt raiding, transmog runs, and other guild activities
  3. Guild repairs
  4. Potentially PvP nights in the future
    Battle Group(Stormstrike): Andorhal · Anetheron · Archimonde · Black Dragonflight · Dalaran · Dalvengyr · Dentarg · Duskwood

What we want:

  • Attendance (90%+ ideally) (but – real life comes first, we get that!)
  • Come prepared for fights and be willing to take feedback

Current Needs (for Mythic Team): DPS: Warrior, Fire Mage, Demo Lock, and/or a Havoc Demon Hunter
Heals: Resto Druid
Tanks: None

Current Wants (for Mythic Team): Unholy Death Knight/Enhance Shaman/Balance Druid/Windwalker Monk

For more information, add the following Battle Tag:
Recruiter: Malideon#1650 -Bnet (Malideon#6527 -Discord Preferred)

Hey Dark,
My guild Legalize Peacebloom [A] - Whisperwind, a newly formed guild whose core members have been AOTC every tier since legion. We consist of players of all types, from hardcore veterans, to returning players, to the brand new raiders checking out the scene for the first time. We sometimes dip our toes in a little mythic raiding, but our focus is AOTC and Mythic +'s. We have a strong Mythic+ community, so if that’s your thing, come check us out. We only ask that you be respectful of the people around you. We’re mostly all in our 30’s and enjoy a good laugh, but when it’s time to raid, it’s time to raid. We are a new guild looking to expand our ranks and our community. We currently have people running keys from 2s to 22s, and will be raiding Friday and Saturday 8-1030pm est come DF. If you’re interested let me know. My discord is Arriesa#9139. I look forward to chatting with you.
