Returning Player LF Casual/Semi Raiding/M+ Guild

Hello everyone Name is Kiii i recently came back to the game in preparation for War Within and so i started working on my WW monk who is now 478. I know i am a bit low, but i am in search of a Casual Raiding/M+ Guild who is wants to clear content, but also doing it while having fun. I hope to hear from everyone soon <3 My Bnet is Function#11994 or feel free to add me on discord functions0001

I think we have what you want. Let’s talk.

on Tichondrius
Raid Nights
⦁ Tuesday - 9 to 12 PST (Will change to MST come Daylight savings time)
⦁ Friday - 9 to 12 PST (Will change to MST come Daylight savings time)

⦁ Mythic Progression
⦁ Mythic +
⦁ Lots of Crazy Nights

We have been around since Vanilla, back when raiding was 40 man and then changed to 10 and 25 normal and heroic (Current Mythic). During Lich King and Cata we had some server first kills and some top 350 in the world kills on 25man. We always strived for what you would call CE now. Current Raid lead has 6/9 awakened Amdrassil Mythic Progression. We love to kill and have a lot of fun doing it. Primary focus will be AOTC and Mythic Raid Progression. We also take casual players looking to have fun, maybe do some PVP or Mythic +
If your looking for a Mature, Crazy and Fun, progression focused guild, then Plagued is for you.
Message on BN - Peyo#1247 or Dakgu#1532
Discord - Peyotie or Dakgu

Hey there! I’m Byndi, the GM of the guild Gnome Depot. :smile: We are currently recruiting for our AOTC team in preparation for TWW. I’m going to attach our guild page for you to take a quick look through, and if your interested… I would love to sit down and chat with you! Best of luck on your guild hunt!

Have you found a guild yet?