Returning Player LF Casual Raiding


I have been playing wow since vanilla with periodic breaks throughout. I have recently returned after a long break and would like to join a casual/friendly guild that raids. I currently have a ret paladin and a fresh 80 Disc Priest. I am happy fulfill either role as needed.

I am looking for week night raiding on Monday, Tuesday or Wednesday after 8pm. While I do play other nights and on weekends but with much less consistency.

Thank you if you took the time to read this and post.

Heya Zekai! I think we may be a great fit for you. We have a bunch of active, friend and helpful players who look to have fun and play together. We’re also planning on introducing a 1 night a week raid on Wednesdays from 9:30pm to 12am in the near future since we have a of raiders who have shown interest in that. Here’s a little more info about that.

We(BEAVER DAM) are an AOTC raiding guild(currently 6/8M) and we’re looking to add new players who enjoy community and guild-driven events, both non-mythic and mythic+ content, and deepen our raiding team for season 2.

Our leadership has been playing together since Burning Crusade and has a tremendous amount of raid experience, but we welcome folks of all skill ranges to join! Beaver Dam is a guild that is non-judgemental and a genuine fun group to hang around with. You should see us when we raid! We all have a blast while killing bosses. We have experienced members of all classes who can assist guildies with mastering their respective roles. Most importantly, we have built a community who enjoy playing with each other and friendships that extend outside of WoW.

ALL players are welcome, whether you like running M+, raiding, PvPing, leveling or hanging out and having a good time. For potential raiders, we raid every Thursday/Monday from 9:30pm to 12am ET and are currently recruiting for heroic fill team. We will also be introducing a 1 night a week raid on Wednesdays from 9:30am to 12pm in the near future.

Our biggest strength is the raiding environment. We’re a great group of friends and love to joke and keep the environment fun in between pulls but focus up when killing bosses. The raiding experience with Beaver Dam allows us to have a great time while progressing, even if we spend nights wiping on the same boss(Damn you Silken!). We also have people online in game and on discord in all time zones across the US.

If that sounds like something you may be interested in, please add me on discord and I’d be happy to talk in more detail about it. Discord is juniiorz

Hi Zekai! I’m the co GM of The Gathering Hall. Only 2 weeks old but we went 6/8 heroic in s1. We run casual and more progession raid nights so I’m sure we have activities that are perfect for you!

Feel free to add me to discord at wideninggyre. (The . at the end is part of the name) or on bnet wideninggyre#11619

Hope to hear from you!

Hey Zekai,

You may enjoy a guild like ours — small, close knit, but fun! I run this guild with my husband as my Co-GM. However, we are a Pacific Time based guild and it seems there is a shortage of guilds on that coast, but it does suit some MST/CST/EST players that work second shift, have spouse/kids to tend to, or simply are night owls. Currently we have roughly ~50 active members that make up roughly about ~170 characters (some are admitted altoholics!).

If raiding is what you’re looking for, we have a handful of spots available on our Mythic raiding team, Olympians — they would be running on TUE/THUR from 8 PM to 11 PM Pacific for Liberation of Undermine. Many of our folks from the Mythic team also run (on alts/main) our Heroic raiding team, Prophets — on WED/FRI from 8 PM to 11 PM Pacific. We also occasionally run an open PUG Normal raid on Sundays (Pacific Time). Right now we’re looking to start to build a healthy bench for these raid teams as well, which helps those with limited time to access that content on the occasion they are needed to fill spots.

Aside from raiding, we constantly run delves and dungeons and there are several M+ runners and M+ static teams in our guild to go through that journey. We are also a social guild and encourage everyone to participate in Discord (our guild chat isn’t as active admittedly, as is with most guilds) which is our main hub for all our events! We host things like Cards Against Humanity, Truth or Dare, Pictionary, or TV/Movie watch parties too! There is always a few folks sitting in Discord to chat with too (mostly afternoons and evenings of course cuz we’re adults and work!), but not so many that it overwhelms.

If any of this interest you, add me on BTAG at Danitsia#1308 or on Discord, join our TLP-WoW server: discord(dot)gg/HJDDS3E

Check us out at tlp-guild(dot)com or read our ad below:

<3 Dani

Hey Zekai,

Bunny Slippers Cult is a group of friendly misfit toys, looking to add to our AOTC focused raid team and Mythic+ teams. We raid Wed. 7-9 pm and Sat. 7-10 pm Est time. We are looking for DPS to fill out our raid team. We are working on getting AOTC for this season.

What can we offer, you ask? We got the auras that make the girls cry and our feasts taste like despair. We got mogs for days. What we expect from our raiders: attendance and willingness to improve. Not looking for perfection, but kindly giving each other tips is on our list. Most importantly, don’t be that guy, no one likes that guy.

This message has been censored approved.

If you are interested in trying us out, please contact Slippersocks at: Slippersocks#11591 or discord: slippersocks, Nix would also love to hear from you at btag Gimmicks#1671, or myself at: Interfector#2377.

[Guild: We Go Again] Tichondrius (US) is looking for homies and new people to come run M+ and raid. Currently looking to fill two mythic teams, but we have plenty of space for heroic, casuals, collectors, fun people, and talkative bunches.

East Raid: Tue/Thurs 8-11 est (5-8 pst)
West Raid: Tue/Wed 9-12 pst

We used to be an older guild with leadership that was not very active, so the majority of the guild split off and created a new place for more activities and community to be had. Even with everything we got to 4/8M.
We have an active Discord and many friendly members of all walks of life. If any of these times interest you, or if you’re just looking for a good community add me at Flame#4420 on discord

Hi Zekai,

Venomfang Cultists - NA Emerald Dream is a mature AOTC and M+ focused guild, playing late night West Coast time.

Raids are Tue & Thur 10:30 PM - 1:00 AM PST, with M+ same time M, W, F. Casual and friendly guild that still likes to progress to eventual AOTC/KSM.

If interested please reach out to me…we’d love to have you.

Willowthorn#1522 on BNet or Shadethistle on Discord

Hey Zek,

First of also so glad you are cultured and joined the disc priest family. FnE could be a good home for you, started as a group of friends we expanded and have become large family where there is always something to do. We run M+ and delves like they were an Olympic sport. We have Wed and weekends set to our “Keyfest” with Fridays being our PvP day. If you also ever get interested in raiding you can transition to trial for our raid team on Tue/Thurs as well too where we achieve AoTC every season.

Would love to have you come by, feel free to chat with me on discord

You also can see our posting here:

Hi there! We are looking to add more players to our AOTC progression team.I’m going to attach our guild page for you to skim through to see if we could possibly be a good fit for you! if your available on weekends, We raid Fri and sat from 9:30 pm to 12:30 EST. I’d be happy to sit down and chat with you to answer any questions you may have… I look forward to speaking with you soon