Returning Player LF Casual Guild

I am so lost… I loved WoW, but stopped playing around Burning Crusade. Always wanted to come back. Finally able to, and I am so lost. I am just looking for a casual guild on Thunderlord. Somewhere I can ask for help, or play with others either new or returning like me.
In between I have been leveling some toons, and enjoying it mostly, but I want to enjoy BFA content and can’t because I don’t get half of it.

I miss this so much.

Very few people frequent this forum, so the chances of finding anything realm specific here is slim. It’s possible there might be something from your realm in the “new player friendly guilds” thread. (which can be found here)

Otherwise, I’d suggest trying your realm forum (here)

Or checking out the new in game guild finder tool. Looking for guilds that have themselves listed as casual or “new and returning player friendly” when you’re browsing should get you some decent results. Remember if you find you don’t like the guild you end up in, you can always abandon ship and try someone else.

Also keep in mind that when you’re looking through the new player friendly guilds in the first link I gave, that if you find something that piques your interest, but isn’t on your current realm, XP gains are doubled until April 20th, so leveling a character on a new server won’t take you very long regardless.

In the meantime, should you have any specific questions you run into, always feel free to make a topic here. There are a few of us regulars that are always popping in to answer questions for people. Best of luck!