Returning Player LF AOTC Guild for TWW - Maining Healer

Hi Lunavvah!

We have a few that hop on when the kiddos are down for the night. I think the times would work out and we can always use a healer of whatever you’re preference is at the time. There are a few of us that switch up for whatever the guild is looking for, and more that swap to get fresh gameplay around patch/expansion launches.

We’re OMG Becky, yes our guild leader is a little nuts but the fun kind! We raid Tues-Weds 8pm-10pm PST and are most active around those times during the week. We’ve gotten AOTC throughout Dragonflight, run keys on off nights, and get involved in some non-wow games from time to time. Feel free to get in touch if you think that would fit what you’re looking for!

Discord: Kungfubanana#7678
Discord: Icristhus#6754
Btag: Kungfubanana#1420
Btag: Icristhus#1625

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