Returning player LF AOTC focused raiding guild 2x weekday after 6PST start time

Hi guild recruiters!

I am looking for an AOTC focused raiding guild that raids twice a week during the week. I am in the PST time zone and I have to start at 6PM PST / 9 PM EST or later.

I’m a returning player, so I currently do not have a toon that is super geared. I am currently playing a balance druid, but I am open to rerolling to another toon, if you don’t mind me taking time to get geared (I have most classes at 70).

My experience raiding mainly comes through healing, but I am looking to try my hands at DPS. I wouldn’t mind, and would enjoy off healing.

I am 30+ w/ a demanding job, so I would prefer a more casual + positive environment.

Please reach me at Blueshell on Discord or BlueShell#11318 to discuss in more detail.

Thanks for reading!

still looking!

Hey Blueshell!

Keystone Raiders is a new guild on Proudmoore eyeing AOTC for 10.2. We’ll raid one night a week (W 6-9 PT) with the rest of the week focused on M+ teams

A balance druid who can flex heal would be a great addition to our team. I’ll send you a request on Discord

In-game — [A]Hansraj / [H]Hansraaj
Discord — Hansraj
BattleTag — Hansraj#1828