Returning player LF a chill guild

As the title would imply, I’m just a returning player looking a for a guild to have some fun with, I’m not all too experienced, but i love to learn and grow. So, yeah! Hope to hear from someone soon, and get to know the community more! See you soon!

Hey Boggoms, if you are interested in horde at all check out my post below!

check our weekend group!

< After Work >

@ [H] US - Mal’ganis

We are a dual raid team guild, led by CE raiders with previous leadership experience. One team is AOTC+/casual and the other is CE/semi-hardcore. Both raid atmospheres are laid back, but focused and goal oriented. We plan to fully launch our CE team by Patch 8.3.

We do not cater to the easily offended, nor do we want players who think it’s interesting or cool to act like a high schooler.

Weekday CE Team Information
Tuesday: 6 - 10pm Central
Thursday: 6 - 10pm Central
Goal: Achieve CE every tier and sell heroic runs on our off days.
Needs: All - We are building exclusively for 8.3

Also willing to absorb a group and lead it to victory!

Weekend AOTC+ Team
Saturday: 7 - 9pm Central
Sunday: 7 - 9pm Central
Goal: Achieve AOTC every tier and dabble in Mythic for fun.
Needs: DPS, Heals, OFF-spec tanks

Interested?? Apply now! It’s super fast and easy. :heart:
Friendly gamers can contact discord: Tigger#0772

< Bussy Bustin Bois > Is a guild being built from the ground up by Cutting Edge Experienced players in Multiple Tier’s , we are looking for player’s interested in raiding with a 2 day a week raid team and push high keys on off days! Some of us are just returning back to the game in Prep for 8.3 and Shadowlands. We will help the players we recruit gear up and get essences.

Guild Attitude : We push high content and troll each other at the same time , we like to keep things light and stay positive while taken the content seriously.

Raid day’s - Sunday - Monday 8:30-11:30pm Est.
Times and days may be Changed before 8.3 but we will take feed back from the raiders when that time comes.

Ranged :
Warlock - Very High
Hunter - Very High

Melee : Closed
Heals: Closed
Tanks - Closed

All Apps will be looked at regardless of classes that are listed above!

We use Discord and will conduct a interview with you if we are interested:
Contacts :

Ya boi Shy#5401 - Guild Master
ChuckyTrees#3041 - Healing Officer - Bnet : Classic#11547
Kinetix#4167 - Officer - Bnet : Kinetix11410