Returning player is War within worth it?

Hey I’m thinking about returning to WoW with the current expac on sale is it worth returning I quit around late shadowlands due to not having much time to play how is the game more causal friendly now compared to previous expacs?

Different people will have different answers to that, depending on which bits they enjoy.

I think there is a general consensus that the writing and the characters are pretty bad. Not as lore-destroying as Shadowlands, but it’s hard to care about them.

I think there is a general consensus that the M+ scene in Season 1 was sub-par, though it may improve in Season 2.

The world itself and world content quality and content at max level are definitely down. Broadly similar to before, but definitely down. There are no more Emissaries or Tables. Khaz Modan is less nice to be in than earlier expacs (except Shadowlands, which ofc had some awful zones) World content and its rewards were sacrificed to make room for Delves.

Delves are a BIG new thing for solo play, if that’s something that interests you. Sort of mini-dungeons, with Brann as a fighting companion. Solo, or up to a party of 5. Together with the upgrade system, you can earn up to Heroic level gear solo. If by casual you mean a lot of solo gear progression, you should at least give Delves a chance, and see if you like them. Delves definitely do the job of delivering gear efficiently.

Dragonriding/Skyriding came in Dragonflight, but I guess you are already doing that.

Anything more specific you would like to know?

This expansion is the most casual friendly expansion yet. They recently introduced delves as a content pillar for solo/casual players with limited time. They are mini-dungeons that you can run solo or in groups up to 5. Just doing delves you can gear up to the equivalent of normal raids in a few weeks and heroic raids in a few months. Delves also have their own achievements, pets and transmogs to collect as well as their own challenge boss that changes every season. You can easily accomplish everything you want to do in delves in a few hours of play per week if you’re efficient.

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I’m kinda biasing Nimnor’s view by posting this response, but I can’t resist. :imp:

That is absolutely true, if you limit “everything you want” to gear and some collectibles.

If, OTOH, you find Delves boring and depressing, and you do want to log into WoW for more than 6-8 hours a week, and you used to enjoy just having something to do in an interesting and pleasant world, then Delves are not such a great deal.

Different folks, different views.

well I don’t really consider myself a meta player so I won’t be going after the mythic dungeons or raids and I do like collecting mounts, Mini pets and collecting armor sets from older raids

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