Returning player help

When I run missions my followers don’t have weapons and I see if its the auction house and I don’t see it. If its a problem I won’t look any more. Do you have them available or not?

I’m not sure if you are referring to the mission table for BFA or Legion. In any case, they both do not have a slot in which you need to equip a weapon. The available open slots for the followers for Legion is to help with their mission by reducing the mission time or to increase success chance. The BFA one only helps the followers bring back BFA materials.

Hello, I am returning from a 4 year drought. I am a lvl 106 shaman but I have no clue on where to go for quests to lvl up. I have done a lot in Draenor but did not complete all the quests. I am 2 expansions behind and bought Shadowlands. I am in Broken Isles but have no clue on where to go. Any help would be great. Thank you

Hey there, To choose your next leveling zone in the Broken Isles, you’ll want to return to your Shaman’s class order hall (portal to the maelstrom on the flight deck of Dalaran), and visit your scouting map.

When you come through the portal into the Maelstrom, it’ll be a big clickable rock straight ahead and to the left of the giant ball of lava. From there, you just pick whichever zone you want to continue questing in.

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Thank you Zipster. That has helped a ton.

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