OK, I’ve been playing for a couple months now, and like riding a bicycle, back in the swing of things. I stopped playing at level 100
But noticed a lot of new things that are still stumping me.
One of course is gear. I might have mis read it, but apparently either at legion gear “should” (sic) be at 300+. Mine is around 240ish. And I am now at level 118. Obviously, feeling slugging. Also found out that legion doesn’t drop weapons, it is about artifacts.
So needless to say, I am truly baffled what to do to bump the gear. The AH only has items at 130+ but nothing I could find over 200 let alone 300
I am a straight PVE while leveling, very rarely do I do dungeons. Of course now I really have to, I need HoV for my class quest. Definitely NOT a solo dungeon LOL
Is there a good helpful link for how to upgrade gear with artifacts?
Any suggestion to get my gear at least up to where it needs to be.
anyways… here is my toon, weak and embarrassing as it is. But still, PVE I am still not dying and can aoe pretty decent as well. suggestions welcome (this is pretty much the way he was when I quit a couple years ago. (I think it was before WoD as there wasn’t a garrison when I played last)
Legion gear does not go up to ilvl 300+ after the release of BFA. The 300+ gear are for BFA gears which is at level 120. The current Legion gears goes only up to about 210+
o? very nice - then, in your opinion, I am fine for now?
I’m mostly doing WQ’s and working on getting flying in legion, so none of the mobs are really over level 111. And I’ve done some leveling quest in Duskar(sp?)
If you really want to get higher level gear, you can just chain run BfA dungeons. Those will give you gear scaled to your current level.
From the looks of things, your entire right side gear is just the baseline boosted gear?
Honestly though, gearing isn’t really an issue until you’re at max level, and then only if you’re planning on doing Mythic dungeons or raiding at any level (because even LFR has a minimum ilevel requirement). If you’re just planning to solo, you can get away with doing the Warfronts when they’re up and you’ll easily get 340+.
Weapons are a little iffier because they have a super low drop rate (~3% from any boss with a weapon on their loot table for your spec), but sometimes you can get decent ones from completing either world quests or emissaries, although again, this is something that you have to wait until 120 to be able to do.
Side note: You’re having difficulty with HoV at level 118? That shouldn’t be happening, even with “just started doing BfA content” gear. Are you sure you went into the correct instance? There are two “of Valor” instances - Halls of Valor is the one on the left, that’s the dungeon. The one on the right is Trial of Valor, a mini-raid. The difficulty in there is MUCH higher, and maybe not soloable before 120 with some baseline Heroic dungeon gear. Also, if your quest doesn’t specify a difficulty, make sure your dungeon difficulty is set to “Normal” (right click your character portrait and pick “Dungeon Difficulty” on the dropdown and make sure the yellow dot is next to “Normal”). That should make it easier to solo.
If you still have trouble, ask in here again. A bunch of us are good with helping out when people are stuck on group quest content.
Amazing help, thanks (and through).
Going backwards - Yes correct DG(left side) - not sure if it was on normal. I could take the (elite)trash mobs out, but the first boss Halder? was rough, could only get him down halfway. I eventually got another guy to help. He was a druid blowing them away in chunks LOL. I think he was 118 as well.
another thing about this dg, is that it never shows up in the LFG, SO I am guessing - again - my gear is too low for it, or something isn’t matching up.
As far as my gear, like all my toons, I quest up. So it is a 2012 toon (pretty much when Mist came out), so this is as is that I got up to level 100? Before WoD. Then I randomly popped in for a month or so, until 2019 when I came back perma - for a bit. Keep in mind I been playing since 2004. Missing even one year can really hold you back playing catchup. Love that about Blizz. I personally like all the new content.
Like my OP, I rearely do dg and raids. I just like wandering around in the world. Sort of like an interactive fiction for me, but on a grander scale LOL
Thanks again. Hope that sheds a little more light on the panda
It doesn’t show up in LFG because your level is too high. HoV is a Legion dungeon, which means that for queueing purposes it will only appear for characters with levels 100-110. Once you went over level 110, you were no longer eligible to queue for Legion dungeons.
Since you prefer doing solo content out in the world over running dungeons, I would recommend getting your panda to level 120 and unlocking world quests in BfA. This will give you access to quests that can provide you with a variety of higher level gear simply for completing the quest objective. It will also give you access to the daily “emissary” quests, which are basically a passive daily quest to complete 3 (for Tortollans) or 4 (for everyone else) world quests for the appropriate faction in return for gear or artifact power. The level of gear rewards from both WQs and emissaries scales with your own ilevel, so the higher ilevel you are, the higher level your rewards will potentially be (with a cap of 330 for WQs and 370 for emissaries).
OK that makes sense. Too high a level. Currently trying to get flying in legion. Which is probably why I am hanging around legion at the moment. The class quest required the cauldron in HoV so had no choice in that dg.
The emmisary quest are open, They are actually helpful for getting my rep.
However, very nice info on the BfA world quest for soloing**.
You have been very helpful!! Poke me next time I am absent for long period of time LOL, did not realize that Blizz blasted the content up so high, LOVE IT.
**I’ve just had way too many annoying pugs, arrogant and lack of patience. Even if I’ve run a dg so many times, I am still patient with the noobs. My guild are all capped out and bored LOL, so they are rarely on these days. Some as long as a year. The family friends guild moved on, and all but dropped wow, so I am the last of the old farts playing
again, many thanks. I am pretty saavy at figuring out most stuff. So I will pop back in if there is something I am unable to find.
Unfortunately that’s pretty endemic in the game right now. A lot of people are pretty burned out from the “grind or die” setting, so even in pugs, speed runs are prioritized over the consideration that there might be a new or returning player in the party. That’s one of the reasons I don’t really do LFG anymore, sticking only to solo content or things I can do with other members of my raid team.
OK, this question is from (I think) a stupid action on my part. New game mechanics and gear, and full bags. lead to either DE or dumping.
I am pretty sure I ditched my artifact weapons as they were like 180 ilevel or something, and got what I have now. But I am finding I cannot complete one of my quest for pandaria as I need to have an artifact weapon in my hand.
do I need this quest anymore (other than for cheevs) or is there another option. I heard I could t-mog it, but I guess that doesn’t work anymore.
I don’t think you can delete/sell artifact weapons, so if you got one, it should be around in your bags or bank somewhere.
I do believe that that particular quest is required to continue on with class hall stuff, which you’ll only need to do if you want the class mount or the other weapon transmogs (which except for the mage tower variants are still available.)
OK, found them, in my bank. So are they upgradeable? So now I am really a mess, I 've beendoing research on artifacts and weapon upgrades. None of my tree is open, and dont know how/where to get the strike of the windlord or other upgrades.
gawd - i’m a noob again LOL.
All of the Artifact trees were deactivated in the pre-patch to BfA. Some of the abilities were reworked as talents, but most of it was just discarded. The artifact weapons were a Legion thing and Blizzard decided to move on to something else with BfA.
You can still put relics in the slots to increase the ilvl, but they still won’t be better than the quest gear from BfA. But at least now you know where it is for any of the Legion quests that need you to have it equipped. (Which may just be the one you mentioned earlier.) So, you can do the Legion stuff with your better BfA weapons.
Oh nice, so then I can just not bother with the legion gear, and just move on? Im two bars from 120 (at the time of this writting just working on flying for legion).
that is the only thing blizz does over the years, is make the stuff (anything) that is good for one expansion, and pointless later on. I feel it should grow with the story.
Sorta like saying the “one ring” is pointless later on in the story, because there is a change in the story line with other factions. Oh well
Yeah, once you got into BfA levels (110+), any gear you had in Legion would have slowly declined in power… although the Legendaries and raid tier were more useful than BfA leveling gear up through level 115 because their effects remained active.
At 120 you’ll have a lot more options for getting BfA “end game” gear from the sources we’ve mentioned earlier in this thread, all of which will be vastly more powerful than anything you can get from Legion.