Returning player, got some questions

Hello all! First of all, just a quick liner about me, I used to no life this game up until WOD. Took very short week/month ish breaks up to that point, but no-lifed it for a large chunk of it’s early life.

Huge fan, hated to see how Legion kinda stripped class depth and made professions more of a checkmark, “you are tailor, you make this one item, that’s all you do, go sit in the corner and forget you’re a tailor” ish.

Came back at the end of DF and loving the talents, now loving the hero points, loving the professions and specializations.

Here’s the purpose of my post, if any of ya’ll track blue posts or just heard from streams or just have your own ideas/rationale, I’d love to hear it all.

-Why was Archy abandoned?

-Why doesn’t fishing & cooking have specializations?

-Why can’t we still do things with people of the opposite faction? You can dungeon run but not use the tool? You can PvP but it must be ranked? (from what I hear) You can be in the same guild (which is an entire, horrifically broken process, btw) but can’t quest together? I get that quests are going to be different for different factions, but achievements are account-bound, and there is already a “sync quest state/level state for party” option for groups; why not do something like this for opposite faction? From my understanding, with Warband, and I’ve tested this, you can buy something from an alliance vendor, shove it into your warband bank, go to a different server and different faction, and pull it out, thus, bridging the gap on materials, gold, pets, mounts (pets and mounts have already been bridged for a long time) so why still have this barrier?

-Why is there zero transfer or cross play with regions? databases are databases, and we’ve seen numerous MMOs comparable in size have cross-region gameplay with zero issues. Can’t even pay for it, and it’s like an entirely different account so even if I made a new character I wouldn’t have anything from my warband or achievements, this is saddening to see in 2024.

-lastly, the yellow box that pops up and says “you have unspent talent points” is god awful. I’m not talking about tutorial either, that’s a slightly larger yellow box. This one doesn’t go away. I’ve tried addons, I’ve tried removing all addons, I’ve googled my eyes out; it’s bloody annoying as heck. I’m coming back to an arsenal of 15ish characters and planning on making more for the “new race” achievements, and everytime you unlock a new moldy sock on one character, then switch characters, you get a brand new giant yellow box reminding you that “you can change the looks of your items here, like this new moldy sock you just got!” I get some annoyances in games, some things that aren’t fixed yet, but this is a blatant conscious choice from the developers to have in the game and unable to turn it off. I refuse to believe it’s a bug, someone had to program it and all of the prompts to pop up, like Preson Garvey saying another settlement needs your help every 5 minutes. It’s deeply irritating and I know I’m not the only one >_<

Thank you for listening to my rant, I honestly don’t know the exact forum this belongs in, I don’t want anybody to take offense, and love to see where WoW has come after being down in the gutter for so long (for things I look for in a game). And thank you for anybody who replies to this with some rationale :slight_smile:

I’ll have a go at a couple of them.

They just couldn’t be bothered keeping it. I expect participation numbers were low. Much like First Aid, I assume.

They did make an attempt at another kind of Archaeology approach in DF. I don’t think it went particularly well.

This would have to be PvE mode only, in the world, outside instances. My view is that very few people actually party up inthe world in the first place, since you never have to. and while it Would Be Nice, it’s probably a hassle for which there is not much real demand.

There is something behind this. Start with the ping. You add 100-200ms latency when you play between Europe to the US. Apart from that, you have two different companies in Blizzare US and Blizzard EU, who deal in many different languages, tax regimes, and even laws, like gambling and portrayal of alcohol. One of the Brewfest quests requiers you to get drunk, which is forbidden in some European country, and so that quest has been changed EU. There are multiple currencies, and some of the payments are different. Eastern Europe/Russia have separate servers, and last I recall had different gam time rates. And then when you get to China, you have some VERY different arrangements.

All of that is not to say that if they were starting with a blank slate now, they wouldn’t be better off merging at least US+EU, but I imagine the cost and hassle and disruption of merging now from what they have is too great.

If we start on UI annoyances, we’ll be here all night! :stuck_out_tongue: I swear they change things for the worse just to have something to do! I am surprised to hear there is an annoyance that can’t be turned off by an addon though, since to my understanding, ANY event can be suppressed by an addon. Maybe addons just haven’t caught up withthe new expansion annoyances yet; I see a lot of addons keep making updates the last couple of weeks.

Thank you so much for the reply! I forgot about the political side of things, and after all these years trying to merge it wouldn’t be worth the cost (regional things). And yeah the yellow box popup was annoying me in DF too, but I only played one character so it wasn’t as bad. I heard ElvUI fixes it but someone else said it doesn’t so I’m at a loss LOL.

Anywho, cheers!

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