Returning Player: Ex HC Raider Lf Weekend Guild

Hello, my boyfriend and I are currently in search of a weekend guild for DF.

My bf will be playing Boomkin
As for me I will be playing a healer ( Paladin, Shaman ) are the two options I’m debating atm.
In terms of experience, I am previously a Us 11th Raider during SOO with a lot of experience raiding in the hardcore/top us scene. I am currently looking for a semi hardcore guild that loves to do M+ and raid.
You may add me on Discord at : Mokokoseed#3513 or my Battlenet: Sunmi#11487
We are currently looking for late afternoon/evening time during the weekend.
Most likely Saturday/Sunday and Friday can be considered as well. Looking forward to chatting with anyone that may be interested.


I’m not sure we’d be exactly what you’re looking for, but I wanted to at least send a link to my recruitment post. If you get a minute, check it out and let me know if you’d like to chat. I think we could make it work, and I’d like to have more people who enjoy mythic plus to push keys with.

Thank you! I will def keep it in mind.