Returning Player (DPS) LF ~1am EST start time Raiding guild

I’m currently trying to get back into the WoW raiding scene, I haven’t played in a bit, definitely not this xpac, but I’d like to start. From TBC Up until the beginning of MoP I raided at quite a high level killing most if not all the end game content. I’ve been working at night for the past few years and it’s demotivated me from finding a raiding guild that raids late nights, but as I’ve grown accustomed to my schedule I feel the desire to add raiding back into the mix.

Realistically joining a heroic guild\community that I can jump in with while staying on my server would be nice. That being said, I feel confident in my ability to work for a spot in a core mythic team as I run heroics\mythic+ with the guild.

I am currently playing a fury warrior, but since I’d be somewhat of an investment since I’m only at 422 ilvl, if your guild has a greater need for literally any other DPS I could play that as I feel comfortable playing anything. Ranged or melee doesn’t matter. My most recent experience the past few years has been on mage (which i raided most my life on), DH\DK\monk and boomkin. I can off spec heals as well as tank. Like I said I feel comfortable playing anything.

Like I mentioned, I’d be an investment. However, I am very quick learner and I pick things up fast. I am dedicated to what ever class I’m playing at the time, as well as role. I keep up to date with the theorycrafting for my class and keep current with the ups and downs of the other classes within my role. And you can rely on me to always log in, on time, ready to raid at raid times.