Returning player and flintstones / item upgrade obscurity

So I resolved my issue before even posting here. im going to preface with that.
But listen… am i the only one that found this obscure??

Returning player here. and I couldn’t for the life of me figure out what to do with flintstones? oh it’s … whats his name… yeah

Cuzolth!! NPC

I spent 2 hours (embaressingly) trying to figure out where the “Flintstone Vendor” token NPC vendor was. Oh i get it now, yeah, not a gear vendor like Wotlk, nope. nope. just an “item upgrader dude” cool.

How many other people are returning players and felt this wasnt that well pointed out?

i broke down like a little girl and cried and screamed(okay i didnt actually by my soul did) and ppl helped me and held my hand and brought me to Cuzolth but my goodness… this was 3 hours after crying and losing my mind several times.

i was about to do some Loamm’s reputation for niffen reputation grind because I thought that was what I had to do because after 2 hours of googling what to do with flintstones that was THE ONLY lead i could get

Thank goodnes I piped up in New Player chat and the 2nd person helping me was able to show me. (btw, big W win to the dev team for allowing pin’d map locations to be able to be linked into chat. that helped tremendously here for me)

but yeah. maybe a bit more In-Game direction to the Item Upgrade NPC please -.-

Maybe it was just me!!! I’m pretty dumb. but i feel theres a lot of other returning players that havent played dragonflight, trying to get back in and get ready for the new expac, the worldsoul saga and are gonna have a heck of a time figuring this out. MAYBE I MISSED IT WHEN i was being overwhelmed by 70 different quests upon boosting but like maybe force a boostie boy to do a quest where they upgrade an item a couple times or something…???
i dunno

I feel like im just crying and im the only one so please flame me… please.
tell me im the only one and that im dumb and fat and ugly and that everyone else figured this out no problem!!!

pps. it was like 3 hours outta my life, whatever/,. but it just… this kinda stuff drives me bonkers and i feel like lots of ppl are going to hit this and get as upset if not more than i did here and just quit and that makes me sad to think about.

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You’re also lucky that someone actually helped you in New Player chat


They are lucky to have someone help them, most people will not.

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Exactly what I said. They were lucky someone actually helped them, because most in New Player chat just ignore the newbies.

thank you so much, that means so much to me for someone to say i wasnt the only one.

I am super appreciative ppl did take the time to hear my cry. thank you so much to those of you checking new player chat and helping… Im not even new!!! ive been playing this game since beta before launch in 2004 lol. probably before some of you were even born. and ive played this game a lot. i just… i couldnt for the life of me figure that out. i feel so dumb XDD

Most players ignore other players in general, not just newbies. Yer 0.5 seconds away from death? You get to die because no one cares to help. Fighting a tough boss by yourself? No one cares.

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sorry, im Qilana, thats my evoker alt. i didnt mean to post this on that alt. but anyways

There are 2 sets of these quests, 1 in Loamm with the Niffen, thats probably what the other things were pointing you to, and 1 in the Emerald Dream. Both of them teach you about flightstones, roughly how they are aqcuired and how they are used. There are also quests for how the various Sparks are aquired and used.
The unfortunate part of all of this is that Loamm and the Emerald Dream are season 2 and 3, so afaik you would have to do all of the story up until then to get access to them.

right! yeah… okay. and like… i wasnt going to continue doing story cuz … yeah, only gearing up seemed to matter and i boosted this toon… so. yeah.

i get it, do the story at least once on a toon
its my fault :roll_eyes:

. but … man. lolol… i dunno. anyways. thanks guys for all the responses, appreciate you all

Pretty sure they added another in S4 with the NPCs that are now right outside the auction house in valdrakken


That is wonderful, if true, i havent played much of season 4, so i havent looked at all of the new quests.

Glad that it sounds like you got it sorted out but I have to ask a very real question:

Why wasn’t this your first thought as what to do? I’m asking since to me who have been playing WoW and other games a long time, I kinda default to a “it’ll probably be explained to me at some point” and only when I feel it hasn’t been (like I have encountered a vendor asking for this weird thing as a currency or the like) I start to Google things to find answers.

Note that I’m not flaming, blaming, or anything else like that. I’m honestly just genuinely curious since I know from what game developers say that folks skip tutorials and the like. So I’m genuinely just kinda curious as to why this isn’t a default for you?
Because you aren’t dumb (not more than most people, me included, at any rate) and what you did seems like it is the common norm. But it is a norm I don’t understand so I just kinda wanna pick your brains a bit about it, if you’d be alright with that.

Yep! absolutely,

you can pick my brain, so here it is. incase you missed it or dont understand the new expac coming out The War Within will make the story for this place obsolete for the most part. sure i could do it for fun but Im going to decide that in the coming month. My toon however I choose to boost past because I’ve played so many expacs i just wanted to get this toon a bit better geared up for the upcoming expansion.
So, I’m at heroic dungeons now currently, and I have a lot of flintstones. and I am somewhat aware thats how i further upgrade my gear, right?
so… wheres the
} flintstones vendor {
aww I’m googling and I’m googling, 2 hours and I think I find the answer which is some obsolete data about season 3 but we’re in season 4 now so it’s different right, i dunno if you keep up with this game but yeah so now, what one does that just boosted past the 4 seasons of story and all that jazz and zones and stuff… all they do, is talk to … whats his name? the vendor for upgrade gear? right. so yeah. i said it in my original post as character qilana. but yeah!! so you just walk over to him but I was just trying to find his name and for 2 hours i couldnt find it till i finally asked in the game in the game’s chat:

New Player chat [5] idiot: hey what do i do with flintstones
New Player chat [6]smart player 1: wrong answer
New Player chat [6]smart player 2 (ssiard): go here [shift clicked map pin location]

I go there, (im idiot) It’s the location! yay. i upgrade my gear.
i spent 3 hours trying to figure this out which most returning players would most likely quit the game going through which could be fixed by simply having them show you where he is in this season. AND he very well could be, correct me if im wrong but ive done some quests and i wasnt quite aware of this guy.
So I hope this clears up your questions. you might have new ones but I’ll do my best to answer.

There absolutely needs to be a better interface to help people understand which currencies and vendors provide which services. An in-game help menu and searchable glossary would help a ton.

Like how guards can point you to profession trainers, barbers, etc.

There should be some kind of journal which can point you to the right place to spend any given currency, tokens, etc.

Also, they should do a better job of telling players which patch/season a particular system belongs to. Imagine how many players are going around doing Fyrakk events and killing basic rares only to get outdated rewards, but they don’t even know they’re outdated.

The amount of currencies in this expansion pisses me off. It feels like a mobile game.

came here for the yabba dabba doo, left disappointed

Hm… interesting.

Thanks for enlightening me because this is genuinely one of these things I have always found confusing. I’m the type of person who typically always want to finish all of the current content before moving onwards, so I suppose that’s why I hadn’t thought of it like that.

Awesome! Thanks for letting me know! ^^