Returning player after a long long time to classic cata

What do I do in this 1 week before cata’s patch is up?

I came back on blizzard’s free gameplay weekend and dinged 80 on a rogue with LW/skinning and levelled up with most rdf and questing. Bought subscription and here i am.

feels great to be back in a familiar game but not sure what to do, last played too many years ago.

Welcome back!

What do you WANT to do?

If it were me, I’d do some combination of

a) getting into groups for the last dungeon and raid runs before the cap lifts
b) collecting transmogs, mounts, achievements, and titles - remember mogs are available!
c) exploring the world and bringing back memories.

Thank you for your prompt reply.
I was thinking of raids since I left vanilla wotlk with big regrets of never trying ICC(which imo was beautiful and I only raided TBC) and then coming back on classic wotlk and then stop subbing just after 1 month few years back. I missed the times when rdf was few minutes wait even as a dps.
Since Blizzard was nice enough to give me 5 days of game time which I used to get my rogue from 73-80 and got my professions up to wotlk standards, AND very importantly my character was in Remulos(DEAD server).
My god, the RDF on remulos seems to be broken because I can queue for hours on end and not have anything. I have since tried BG and got up to gear a little using some justice points and honor.
I was thinking if I should keep the points and honor for cata, but i do not know if they carry over so i decided the yolo approach.
Leatherworking is really expensive and impossible to grind up the last few levels so I’ll give up on that.
I’m playing from Singapore which makes Oceania server the most reasonable(although i still ping arounf 150-200ms) but its good enough as long as I’m not PvPing anyone my tier. I’m now considering of moving to Arugal which is more active and a PvP server but thing is that it’s a Horde majority there and I’ve always played as an alliance.
I might be getting some burnout too because I fully made use of the 5 free days of game time and degenerately played over 12 hours each day.
I believe the playerbase is an issue because there just isn’t enough players to make friends, join groups and find raids. BG is fine because its cross realms/servers.
Am I just gonna wait for cata to drop before grinding it down and doing new dailies in new areas while not doing anything for the next 1 week?

Thanks for reading

Does anything here help?

According to Remulos is almost empty.

And not a lot of fun to be had transferring to the wrong side of a PvP realm. So you don’t have any really good options, AFAICS. :frowning: I would definitely test the ping on several servers.

I actually went thru that guide for the 1-420 of my professions but the past part is just undoable because the drop rates are either too low or had to be farm with certain elites.

i highly believe im in the wrong server because of how dead they are therefore it’s really hard to do anything. I will seriously consider getting a server transfer soon if i want to be grinding hard.
the only thing is the other server is mainly horde and a pvp server. :frowning:
I guess i have the answer to what seems like a question, but not willing to accept the fact that as a player i have to pay for blizzard’s mistake of not closing down and merge server/giving free transfer.

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