Hello all!
Just returned to the game after a 4 year break. Trying out a new class, something different as I’m use to playing melee DPS since like Vanilla lol. I’m looking for a good home, forever guild! I enjoy raiding / mythic +. I’ve been raiding since 2004 have achieved AOTC pretty much every tier since it was a thing. I’ve done mythic raiding, have led CE guilds, and such. Progression is not an issue, as I’m learning a new class. Recruited for 17 years for numerous guilds, all kinds of fun stuff! My availability is pretty much any day except Tuesday and Wednesday. Anytime between 8PM - 11:30PM EST. Hope to hear from some of you!
Welcome back to wow. My guild is looking for a healer for heroic progression, 5/9H currently. We raid 9:30pm- 11:30pm EST Friday and Saturday. Also running a wide range keys up to the low 20s currently. We are a pretty chill guild and want to progress in a fun and relaxed environment. Have an active discord and our most active hours are about 8pm-12am daily.
My bnet is Ivikatasha#1106 if you want to chat more 
Hi Sakurachan - We are full for our main Season 3 raid team - but starting up a Normal raid team on Thursday evenings at 8:30 p.m. ET. that will eventually evolve into Heroic once our Alts are geared.
We also have a lively Mythic+ scene and host Fun Events each week! If you would like to learn more about our vibe and have any questions - add me on Discord! 
Discord: Devonellah#0195 or devonellah
You can also Click here to see our full recruitment post