Hey there Azzikai! I’d love for you to check out [Dunder Mifflin Gaming Co] to see if we might be a good fit for you. We are mostly middle-aged players who do our best in-game, but also understand that it is just that… a game. Over the Dragonflight expansion, we have gotten to know each other really well and have a great time doing heroic raiding and M+. Our most active times are in the evening, I’d say from 8pm to 12am EST. Our raid times are from 9pm - 11pm EST, with this season being a little more casual because of the recycled raids and MoP:Remix.
I will link our recent guild advertisement below with more of the specifics, but if you have any questions or would like to chat about the guild, please feel free to message me (btag Ero#11624). I wish you the best of luck finding a good fit for your toons! <3