Returning Mythic Raider for TWW LF Guild

Just coming back to the game, looking to get into raiding again come the war within. Plan to spend the time between now and expac launch gearing whatever character I decide to play.

I’m available every day, evening times preferred.

Looking to achieve AOTC every tier plus dabble in some mythic bosses if possible!

I do not have logs for you- but used to AOTC and CE in prior expansions

Leave your spam below and I’ll contact you so we can discuss!

on Tichondrius
Raid Nights
⦁ Tuesday - 9 to 12 PST (Will change to MST come Daylight savings time)
⦁ Friday - 9 to 12 PST (Will change to MST come Daylight savings time)

⦁ Mythic Progression
⦁ Mythic +
⦁ Lots of Crazy Nights

We have been around since Vanilla, back when raiding was 40 man and then changed to 10 and 25 normal and heroic (Current Mythic). During Lich King and Cata we had some server first kills and some top 350 in the world kills on 25man. We always strived for what you would call CE now. Current Raid lead has 6/9 awakened Amdrassil Mythic Progression. We love to kill and have a lot of fun doing it. Primary focus will be AOTC and Mythic Raid Progression. We also take casual players looking to have fun, maybe do some PVP or Mythic +
If your looking for a Mature, Crazy and Fun, progression focused guild, then Plagued is for you.
Message on BN - Peyo#1247 or Dakgu#1532
Discord - Peyotie or Dakgu

Shoot me a message

Hello Typhoontravv.
I am Hoodie, an officer with Nostalgic Ruin on Stormrage. We are currently looking for people to fill spots on a team focused on heroic progression for Team Bravo. We raid on Wednesday/Thursdays from 8-11 PM server with a 15 minute break at 9 PM. We also have guildmates who push lots and lots of mythic plus if that is something you would also be interested in. Please feel free to message me or another member of leadership if it is something you would like to discuss further.
Contact us on Battlenet:

Archetypical#11757 ( Guild Master )
Maverick#15230 ( Raid Leader )
Lionicicles#1134 ( Co-Raid Lead )
Astar#11558 ( Healing Officer )
Hoodie#11206 ( Melee Officer )

Thank you for your time and consideration, Typhoontravv


See our link: [H] <HardcoreCasuals>-Shandris 8-11PM EST Tues/Wed LFM! - #8 by Arthedain-shandris

Discord is best :slight_smile:

Hey Typhoontravv,
Let’s chat.

Corrupted Intent is a 21+ horde guild on the server Area 52 looking for like minded players to come join us. While raiding is our primary focus we do also welcome any player interested in Mythic + as well as wanting to just be social and apart of the community.


  • Knowledge of class/fights and prepared for the raid w/ pots, flasks, enchants & gems
  • Communication is key if you will be absent please communicate that with us
  • 80% attendance & punctuality & accountability for raids
  • Progression Mindset, and a team player, includes ability to take constructive criticism

Raid Days & Times:
Team 1: Fri & Sat 8-11pm EST (CE focus)
Team 2: Wed/Thur 8-11pm EST (Heroic into mythic focus)

Season 4 Progression:
3/9M A ATDH, 1/9M Aberrus, 8/8H A VOTI

Season 3 Progression:
6/9M, 9/9H Amirdrassil

Season 2 Progression:
4/9 M ATSC 9/9H ATSC
Season 1 Progress:

Team 1:
Melee: Feral Druid, Enh Sham, Warrior, DH, Rogue
Ranged: Boomkin, Hunter
Healer- Open to Disc priest, Hpal, R Sham, R Druid

Team 2:
Healer: Any
Dps: Any
Any and all players that feel they would be a good fit, should apply whether your role/class is listed or not

Contact Information:
Btag: Aria#13773
Discord: xstarlite


Thanks for the replies so far

Will be reaching out

Consistently Better is a new Raiding guild founded with the goal of creating a stable community where like-minded players can set and accomplish the goal of Cutting Edge and participate in seasonal Mythic+ content.

Raid Structure & Goals

Consistently Better’s goal as a raid group is to cultivate a team of like minded core raiders who work together to set a goal and accomplish a Cutting-Edge raid team.

Raid Days/Times:

Tuesday: 7:00PM-10:00PM (EST)

Friday: 7:00PM-10:00PM (EST)

Saturday: 7:00PM-10:00PM (EST)

Traits we value in our raiders:

Accountability - Be accountable to yourself and be accountable to the rest of the team. Recognize your mistakes, celebrate your achievements, and strive for improvement.

Reliability - Be trusted to follow through on your commitments. If you sign up to attend an event, be there. If something comes up take a moment to change your RSVP Status and notify your team-mates. We understand that life happens, and the real world comes first, but communication is key.

Preparation and Self Sufficiency - We want self-sufficient members who value each player’s responsibility to show up to raid as the best possible version of themselves. We expect each and every team member to take the necessary initiative to better themselves in-game and out. This means research, gearing, consumables, class/rotation knowledge etc… Teams are all about helping each other out and we are happy to help you gear, answer questions, or help you improve your play. No one wants to spend their valuable time helping someone who isn’t willing to help themselves.

Class Mastery and Performance - We want to ensure that our Core Raiders have achieved a reasonable level of mastery of their class/spec. Our Core Raiders should be striving to regularly improve performance.

Recruitment Process

Casuals are always welcome! Trials last 2-4 weeks as needed based on performance for the competitive roster.

If you are interested in applying for an active roster spot please message one of the Officer’s listed above via Discord or BNET.
GM(IGN Praysomeday)- Bnet-Failfixer#11337 Discord- Paintit#6745
Officer- (IGN Startrack)-Bnet-Startrack#2592
Officer- (IGN Drbodach)- Bnet-DrBodach#1817

Bump It UP

Good morning!
BiOL is always looking for more players who want to stay active either raiding, making alts, or Mythic Pluses.
Feel free to check us out below and if interested give us a poke. Regardless good luck to you!

Hey Trav. Many of us have similar backgrounds. Returning players with mythic/ce exp. Doing something a bit more casual this time around. Just AOTC and maybe a few early mythic bosses. Raids are Tues/Thurs 7-10pm EST.

My discord: nohero_nbk

Our guild spam.