Returning Mythic Raid Healer - LF a New Home to Raid Dragonflight

Hello everyone,

I took a break from the game after the attempting to find a new place to raid after my long time guild disbanded in Sanctum. Dragonflight has gotten me excited to play again, I plan on playing an evoker healer pending beta testing. I have returned back to the game currently playing my Mistweaver monk and I’ve been a long time CE Holy Pally.

I’m looking for anything 2-3 days CE Raiding around 7-11 EST, preferably during the week.

Here are some of my old logs on my two healers.

Mistweaver - Mìstfit - Mal’Ganis - Warcraft Logs

Holy Paladin - Nebulized - Area 52 - Warcraft Logs

Most of my CE raids were done on holy pally, some earler logs of MW from Legion and early BfA