Returning looking for home , need late night/weekend

Classes - tank/dps or healer/dps since i do M+ a bit i usually tank or heal, Rsham has been my main most recently altho i didnt raid much in a while. Prot war/pally/druid has been my tanks but DK looking nice too. for raiding probably healing or dps would be best
open to going warlock they look fun and a flex option i can play probably anything but hunter ( i have some standards )

raid experience - used to be hardcore serverfirsts ect, but moved around a bit with army and getting older so just looking normal heroic maybe mythic but not required.

timezone - im in hawaii so needs to be later for me or weekends, prob 430HST is earliest

about me - ex military 40+ dont really care about drama or what not or loot , used to be a tryhard so i will still try but dont care if we wipe, would be a sad panda if we dont at least try things tho and be consistent. I will bring own consum and strive for prebis or getting best gear possible outside of raid. Zechs#1971 if interested or any questions. Thanks pals

Hey Dintheb - Welcome back! Thank you for your service as well. We start raiding at 730 Pacific time, I think that will be good for you. If interested, please give me a shout to talk more. We love retired hardcore raiders who can flex and enjoy the game at AOTC/KSH :smiley: Discord = markwahlbear

Best of luck in your search!


You sound perfect for us. Hit me up and let’s chat.

Guild Recruitment: Plagued (Tichondrius - Horde)

About Us:
Plagued is a midcore end-game mythic raiding guild on the Tichondrius server, dedicated to progressing through the latest content. We’re a tight-knit community of experienced players who value teamwork, strategy, and a bit of humor.

We’re currently seeking skilled healers and DPS players to join our mythic raid team!

Raid Schedule:
Tuesday and Friday, 9:00 PM - 12:00 AM PST


  • Strong knowledge of your class and role
  • Previous mythic raid experience (or equivalent)
  • Ability to attend raids consistently
  • Good communication and teamwork skills

What We Offer:

  • A supportive and experienced raid team
  • A relaxed, adult environment (18+ only)
  • Opportunities for growth and development
  • A chance to be part of a dedicated community

How to Apply:
If you’re interested in joining Plagued, please reply with your character name, class, role, and a brief summary of your experience. You can also contact me, Peyo#1247, through BattleNet.

Let’s conquer the latest content together!

Hi, I’m Byndi, the GM of the guild Gnome Depot. :smile: After reading your post, I think you might be a great fit to our little family! We are currently recruiting for our AOTC team in preparation for TWW. Im going to attach our guild page for you to take a quick look through, and if your interested… I would love to sit down and chat with you! Best of luck on your guild hunt!!

Are you looking for a guild that takes Mythic Plus seriously while having a blast? Join No Accountability! We’re a new guild started by some IRL friends and dedicated bunch on Area 52, focused on dominating Mythic Plus until the War Within drops. Our aim? Ahead of the Curve (AoTC) every season. We will push into mythic content after hitting AoTC, with raids set for Friday and Saturday nights, 8-11pm server time. Because we are a newer guild spots are open for officers.

What We Offer:

• Serious Mythic Plus: Sharpen your skills with our experienced team.

• Consistent AoTC Clears: We’re driven to succeed together.

• Open to All: All classes and levels welcome. Tank spots for raid are full.

• Weekend Raiding: Perfect for those who love weekend challenges.

Why Join No Accountability?

• Team-Centric Approach: We believe in teamwork and mutual respect.

• Laid-back Atmosphere: Enjoy the game with chill folks who share your passion.

• We have a very active core group who are on everyday, pushing keys and hanging out in discord.

Please reach out to our GM if you have any questions or would like to join us and go into The War Within with a solid group!
Discord: GM: inosuke94
Also have officer positions open