As the title says, im a returning player who has played lock since BC named Feltooth and i want to play my Unholy DK. Basically im looking for a casual horde guild for returning players with raid times starting at 11 PM Central. I am willing to play my lock but would like to play DK. I am willing to transfer. thanks again.
Hello, we are recruiting. Would be interested in either your warlock or Unholy DK. We are looking for someone to cover one more spot in dps:
How Long On Brez | Horde | Mal’Ganis
We raid Friday and Saturday, 11:00pm-1:30am PST
kvncnh#1922 (Officer) [ Discord preferred: kvncnh#9847 ]
Thanks, those raid times seem exceptable to me, i would like to further discuss this via discord. I sent you a request. Ethanuel#3406 feel free to contact me at your conveinience.
Hi Feltooth, my discord is different from bnet:
added you now, please accept.