Bnet is Tac#1382
Looking for a Alliance guild doesnt matter about the server who raids no later that 11 maybe midnight EST I have mythic EXP this xpac but took a break before EP now ready to get back into it i also have a group a friends who are coming back all with EXP we raid pvp and run keys just hit me up and we can talk
If you are interested in Horde side then Epitaph may be the gome for you!
We are currently recruiting for our raiding team and mythic plus runs.
We are on Draka/suramar and have a friendly bunch of players who enioy seeing conent and pushing higher keys.
Raid wise, we are 8/8N and 6/8H and are looking for pretty much all roles as we have many members currently that are flexible.
We run mythic dungeons daily and have a very active discord channel. Feel free to message me on battlenet at Alikona#11551 or discord Dem#5747 if you have any questions. <3
[US] (A) (Rexxar-Misha)
We are a casual raiding guild looking to fill spots on our raid roster. We have room for all classes and roles. We have a core group of people who run mythic keys every week and people of all levels who pet battle, help with quests, transmog runs, leveling and gearing and everything in between.
Raid times are Fri/Sat 8 P.M.-11 P.M. CST and Wed 8 P.M. CST for alts/learner
Free lock cookies, pots, flasks and food at every raid for members!
We understand that server transferring costs money so even if you would like to just come along to our raids we have a community you can join.
Contacts: on BNet – Valckin#11875 MsMcDorkle #1468
Discord: Valckin#9472 Dalew#9609