Hello everyone, I have been playing WOW on and off for a few years. Recently, a few friends and I started really getting into this game. Currently I am healing on a Disc Priest and have a few friends that consist of a Pally Tank, and a few DPS.
We are looking for a guild that is active, and that wants to play all aspects of the game. We also want to push a bit further in mythics.
We are on Horde on the Emerald Dream. If anyone has an active guild that is recruiting, pleas reply to this post, we would greatly appreciate it.
I would reach out to Ironsworn Regiment for a large guild that would offer a lot for returning players. Also, there is Blademasters of Durotar if you are looking for more of a pvp style guild. There are a lot of recruitment posts here for horde guilds and what they do, also try checking out the Horde RP discord, they would be helpful in locating you a guild.
Heyo Swipperz!
Shadowborne Company is recruiting as well! We are recruiting for mythic plus, raid, and RBG teams going into Shadowlands. We are a fairly new guild but we have a bunch of old players coming back to the game after a while so we are mostly focused on helping our members get their cloaks and gear to help them transition easier into SL.
If that sounds like a good fit, hit me up at Baldngwookie#1117 and we can talk in more detail!
Your friendly neighborhood Wookiee
Thanks for shouting us out! Ironsworn Regiment has players doing basically all content in the game other than our currently on hiatus raid team. Most of us are hanging out in discord almost all the time. Feel free to reach out on either this toon or my rogue Rosstay! or even btag me Rossta#11129. Good luck on your search!
Thanks everyone for you replies!! I appreciate it!!