Hey guys, so i have been playing classic and decided to come back to retail for SL, I have multiple characters but would love to pick up mythic raiding again on the holy pally.
Back in WoD i raided with a few top guilds, my old logs are
“i cannot share links apparently” But my healing parses range from 80% to 96% on mythic bosses, the majority of the time i was 1 healing the 20man team which the healing roster took turns doing to gain really good parses haha.
At my peak i was raiding with a guild that were ranked 3 or 5 oceanic, they were called Ordeal on alliance but i felt like they were above my skill level so i retired to a more casual guild towards the end of the xpac that were ranked around 20ish, I let the GM know and i was told i was always welcome back so i probably would have passed my trial but ya know anxiety got the better of me LOL
I stopped playing for ages and now i would like to get back into pally healing, I am currently already in a guild that i plan to stay with, i will be raiding with them on saturday nights with my other characters so saturdays are no go for me.
I dont mind faction/realm transfer if its needed and my battletag is KittyKatMeow#11360
I will link those logs once added to BT i guess
and i hope to hear from ya’ll soon.
Love from me lol <3
Hi There,
We’re currently recruiting experienced players to trial for our Progression Team once we enter the Shadowlands.
I’m Hotsauce, Guild Manager for Syndicate of the Chosen.
I’d be glad to exchange some information via discord and see if you’re interested in the way we operate.
We have a live guild advertisement here on the forums (Search Syndicate of the Chosen) - feel free to take a look.
I’m easily reachable on discord @ Hotsauce#4262, alternatively add me in-game on TheSky#1942.
I look forward to hearing from you soon and would be delighted to answer any questions you may have.
Welcome back to retail!
We are Mistake, an alliance frostmourne based guild focused on mythic progression through into SL. More of our background and roster planning can be found on our post linked below, which include raid times and contacts.
We are actually probably only missing a H.pal to tighten our roster, and seeing as you have posted your class, I am personally asking you to please consider us for your mythic progression in SL!
Most of our members are based in SEA countries ranging from 3/12M to 7/12M and also many have done high M+ keys, otherwise, some members come from a hardcore raiding background from another game (Guild Wars 2) and are looking to tackle mythic progression in WoW for SL specifically, since they joined late into Bfa prepatch and just have no time to try it out in Bfa. I can assure you our mechanical knowledge is top notch, and we will not disappoint come SL.
Please do give us a consideration, I am happy to link our members individual logs or even provide you with our detailed mythic roster plan if you need any more information from us that our post does not provide!
Best regards,
Bnet: BranBiscuits#1686
Discord: BrandyBiscuits#6452
Hi, ive sent you a friend request. the guild sounds like something i would be interested in (i used to play GW2 too haha) pretty much all i did tho was bet on those racing bird things lol didnt raid or anything)
But seeing as you guys go by Singaporean time its going to be too late for me. i just need to clear up the raid times, so ive asked in battlenet but i may aswell put it here too but with the raid times have you put it in with the 3 hours added already? lol as 8.30pm is a good start time for me but 11.30pm not so much 
Hey Alxori,
Good to know you played that game too haha! I must apologise if the raid times were bit confusing! Unfortunately it is indeed in SG time - 2030hrs to 2330hrs which translates to 2330hrs - 0230hrs in SVT. I hope it is still possible for you but, I’m guessing it might be too late. I’ll still add you on BNet when I’m back though, if you’re still interested!
Hey Luna,
Oh of course who hasn’t haha
yea so unfortunately that time is way too late for me, i did a thing and had kids like 10 years ago so no late nights during the week for me anymore lol
i am planning on competitive raiding in SL with my pally tho and if i remember correctly you guys raid on Friday nights so, im usually up really late on the weekends so if you dont find a holy pally by than or just need somone to fill in a spot let me know!
i will gladly come along <3
Hey there
Immortal is recruiting! We are a Cael/Nag/saur horde guild, made up of Aussie/NZ WoW addicts. EST 2009, we are on the look out for active players, 18+ who are bordering on an unhealthy obsession with their WoW toons in the lead up to SL.
We have space in our raid team for 1 healer, but we are always on the lookout for active players .We are a heroic team building into a mythic raid team ,also after those who love to push high keys. Raid times are wed/fri 7.30pm-9.30pm server time and a 3rd raid night once mythic raiding starts
We like to have a few drinks while we play and get stuff done, we’re a close knit group and are always looking to push ourselves to excel at our elected toons and classes. Always achieving Aotc.
Chuck me a message for more info on Rushnak#1325
Bump, Still looking for a Mythic raiding guild for SL
Hey mate,
Conviction is one of the oldest raiding guilds on Khaz’Goroth, having formed in Vanilla. We aim to compete at the highest level of content the game has to offer. Our roster consists of new and old players all wanting the same end result of achieving CE every tier. Apart from raiding we love doing M+ keys and playing other games with banter on discord.
Raid Times
Monday, Wednesday and Thursday 8:30pm - 11pm Server Time
If this sounds like something you’re interested in my Btag is Antagqt#1628 my Discord is Papa Lust#5064