Returning healer looking for Raiding guild

Hello readers. Returning Player looking for a guild. My availabilities are Monday-Friday 730pm-12AM EST
Main (Resto shaman)
MW monk
Prot Pally

Contact at Nightlords#1921

Hey there! “TwiztedVoid” is a newly formed guild, and we’re looking to build a raid team. We are a group of returning players from all over so we have no cliques or drama. We are going to focus on raiding and mythic+, but we’ll do plenty more! And if you decide that suits you we’d love to have ya!
BNET: Sacred#11557
Discord: sacred#7757

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Resto druid LF Cutting Edge Guild after 9 PM Server. Stormrage US East

looking for a home for TWW and beyond. I live in Tempe and work as a chef but am open mostly all nights as i work in the morning.

also can start a guild with enough players found here potentially. Lots of players returning looks like

Please Reach out lots of experience leading too

Kevadimundi#1360 Bnet

Shalom, is currently looking for a healer, MW Monk/Pally/Priest and raid Tues and Thurs 9PM - 11:30PM EST. We have been around for years and focus on getting Ahead of the Curve every season and been knocking it out for a while now. If you wish to apply, tell em Kysha sent ya!

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Hey there Summit Gaming is rebuilding its core for new up coming xpacks we have many cutting edge raiders returning As well as atoc raiders, we are looking for some good core healers and ranged dps

Raid times
Tuesday 730-10 east
Wednesday 730-10 east
Friday 730-10 east

Feel free to add me on discord: Force9014 of battle net: Force#1405

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Everything fun from AOTC+ progression raiding to push RBG’s, we do indeed have it all. Old school activities and the best guildies anywhere.
To be in the guild, we make no demands of anyone other than respect your mates. RBG push team and Prog raid team have requirements as expected.
Calendar Events:

  • Gold raffles monthly
  • Mythic Monday event for all 7pm CST weekly
  • Casual current content raids Fri Sat 6-8pm CST for all
  • Progression AOTC+ raid team Tue Wed 8pm CST (seeking 2 more dps).
  • Old raid and dungeon night Thur 7pm CST each week
  • Push RBG team 8pm CST 2 nights a week
  • RBG’s for all 8pm CST 4 nights a week
    (seeking another pvp officer/recruiter for the guild).
  • Random pvp shenanigans
  • Annual transmog contest
  • Guild parties with mount give-aways twice a year

If interested, contact:
Bnet: Stormy#1445
Discord: stormy1445
Or leave a message here.

Hey Nostramo,

Guild Spam below, looking for healers AOTC guild. No requirement to swap servers on launch.
