Arcana was a semi-hardcore mythic progression guild during legion and early BFA. After taking a break during BFD, we realized we had something great and decided to start again. If you are looking to return to progression but need to gear, or if you are geared but looking to be a part of a guild where 6 months after our break we are STILL family, then this is the place for you.
We are looking for all roles to help us regain our former glory.
Illidan- US, Horde
9/11 M Antorus, 4/8 Uldir
Tues/Wed 9-12 CST
Optional Sunday morning farm tbd
-Good attitude
-Past or current mythic experience preferred, eventually, this WILL be a cutting edge guild
-Desire to push yourself as a player
-Willing to help gear and stick around as we build a new core
To see how we were in our glory days, or to apply, check our website (remove the spaces!)
https:// arcanaillidan. wixsite. com/ arcanaillidan