Returning from a long hiatus

Returning player from a long break and looking for an established guild. I’m old…er :rofl: and prefer a more laid back social raiding guild with no BS or drama. I play BM hunter and a frost mage. I’m on the east coast so est/cst time is preferred.

Hi Rahjin!

I’m Kiuayoukai, a cheeky Pandaren Resto Shaman, and proud assistant GM of the guild/community Found a Green Quest on Zul’jin.

Our guild has been around since 2018 founded by my husband Jarsha and myself with our visions of being a social/casual and active community regardless of what members are interested in. Our guild is thriving; however, we are in need of recruiting more friends for Season 3 and future expansions and you’re invited! Whether you are a new player, returning player, or and alt looking for a place to call home.

We are a laid-back casual guild for adults who play when they can while keeping the social aspect of the game alive. We believe that real life comes first, and the game second. We enjoy playing all aspects of the game and are here to help others on their journey in and out of Azeroth. We group up for timewalking/heroic/mythic dungeons or old content farming for achievements/transmogs/mounts/pets. With a Saturday raid team focused on Normal difficulty/Timewalking raids for those looking to experience the raid in a stress-free environment with a group of friends or for people who have never raided before and are looking to learn or just run an extra raid that week on one of their alts.

We are looking to rebuild our Primary raid team with the goals of AOTC and Glory of Achievements every tier. Times are Thursday/Friday 7:30PM EST – 10:00PM EST

Regardless of what content you enjoy, you are welcome to take flight with us and enjoy the game. Come join us!

If you have any questions, please let me know!

We’re listed in the guild finder in game or you can reach me here or on discord: kiuayoukai

Thank you for taking the time to check out our recruitment. We wish you the best of luck this tier & future tiers to come!

Hi Rahjin,

Its Bloodlust Not Hero, H Thrall, is recruiting reliable dps(esp mage/warlock) and a healer for our Fri/Sat night, 8-11 pm EST raid team. The guild has been around for about 10 years, with some of us having raided together since Wrath. We are a 21+ adult guild with an often bawdy sense of humor. We are very LGBTQ friendly. We are a cross faction guild.

We achieve AoTC for every tier, and are currently 9/9N, 5/9 H. We have families and work schedules and raid to relax and have fun. On off nights we run m+ and prefer to do that with guild groups. Nearly all of our raiders have KSM or are close to it… We are also willing to help gear up guildies who may either be changing their main, or are simply behind and want to gear up for raiding. Casual player? That’s fine too!

If this sounds like a group that would mesh with your preferences, add me, Tails#1421 and we can chat!

How’s it going? Our guild Coded Chaos - Mal’Ganis, is always interested in solid Ranged DPS. We raid Tues/Thurs 7-10CST. Our current prog is 9/9N 7/9H. We aim to knock out AOTC and push towards Mythic. We are newer guild with many returning players, just trying to finish the core team.

BTAG: Brizzle#1972
Discord: Drakzula

[Krimson Order] [NA, HORDE] [Hyjal]

We are recruiting new and old players to join our newly formed guild. We are active every evening in game and on Discord. While we are new we have experience in running a guild and a raid team.

Requirements for raid will be:
460+ Item level
Understanding of boss mechanics
A positive player and team player
Ability to progress in a group.
A few add on requirements.

Our primary focus is raiding and mythic plus. We are 4/9 heroic as a group and all of us have ksm and are always helping friends or others get ksm. Our goal will to clear heroic and eventually dip into mythic raiding.

Most of us are close friends and very open and friendly to all. We would rather do content together instead of alone or pugging. We help new players gear up, get achievements and progress to become a better player.

If you are interested you can reach out to:
Battlenet : phaelax#1302 (me)
Discord: sgtfluffybuns

Hi Rahjin,

Please add me on discord or bnet so we can chat. We have a high need for a mage
right now. We are currently 9/9H, been established since BoD.

Discord(preferred): Jaystir
Bnet: Jaystir#1960

Hey there, Bold may be a good fit.

We are on Stormrage and raid Sat/Sun 8:30PM - 11:30PM EST. For a few weeks we will also have an optional raid on Friday nights at the same time for normal / heroic clears.

We are 3/9M (progging council tonight)- 9/9H and are looking to achieve CE. We were 7/9M last tier only due to the roster boss.

If interested hmu on btag. Reluctor#1255

Hey there bud. We are looking for a mage for our core group. Below is soam/info hit us up if interested or for more info. Thanks

**About us: **

We are a Horde based guild on Zul’jin
We are 8/9H Amidrassil & 9/9H ASC
We are a guild that likes to do all content be it N/H raiding and some prog into Mythic without being hardcore and/or elitist.
We have a very active discord we hang out in daily and post in all day.
We like to have friendships instead of just numbers we want you in discord talking and in guild.
18+ guild

What we offer:

Active and very friendly guild enviroment.
Mythic keys from 2 all the way to 23s right now.
Heroic Raiding twice a week.
Normal raiding for alts and those who cant make heroics, once a week after progressing into Heroic.
Mount and Xmog runs (gm is a mount collector and goes daily on runs)
TW raids when they are available.
SUPER active Discord !
Friendly enviroment to grow and thrive.
Safe place for Women and LGBTQIA to enjoy playing

What we are looking for:

Needs: Heals - Shammy or MW
Mdps - Ww Monk
Rdps - Mage,Lock, Evoker, Shammy

People who show up consistently
People who are not going to flake and leave after a few wipes (raid wipes happen)
Good attitudes
Knowledge of class playing.
(Willing to look at all classes and specs, no immediate denials)

Raid Times

(Prog group) Fridays and Saturdays 9pm - 12am EST
(Alt and extras) Wednesdays 9pm -11pm EST
(Xmog/Mount/TW) Sundays 7pm -9pm EST

We accept all players and are not just looking for raiders.

If this seems like a good fit or even just interested feel free to reach out to us, either by replying here or messaging us on the socials.

Bnet: Dragonss#11100, Nymue#11411

Discord: Dragons2406, Nymue#8593

Server Zul’jin: Dragonss, Nymueh

Thankyou for your time and as always, Embrace the Chaos be Epic

Hi Rahjin!

I’m Kiuayoukai, a cheeky Pandaren Resto Shaman, and proud assistant GM of the guild/community Found a Green Quest on Zul’jin.

Our guild has been around since 2018 founded by my husband Jarsha and myself with our visions of being a social/casual and active community regardless of what members are interested in. Our guild is thriving; however, we are in need of recruiting more friends for Season 3 and future expansions and you’re invited! Whether you are a new player, returning player, or and alt looking for a place to call home.

We are a laid-back casual guild for adults who play when they can while keeping the social aspect of the game alive. We believe that real life comes first, and the game second. We enjoy playing all aspects of the game and are here to help others on their journey in and out of Azeroth. We group up for timewalking/heroic/mythic dungeons or old content farming for achievements/transmogs/mounts/pets. With a Saturday raid team focused on Normal difficulty/Timewalking raids for those looking to experience the raid in a stress-free environment with a group of friends or for people who have never raided before and are looking to learn or just run an extra raid that week on one of their alts.

We are looking to rebuild our Primary raid team with the goals of AOTC and Glory of Achievements every tier. Times are Thursday/Friday 7:30PM EST – 10:00PM EST

Regardless of what content you enjoy, you are welcome to take flight with us and enjoy the game. Come join us!

If you have any questions, please let me know!

We’re listed in the guild finder in game or you can reach me here or on discord: kiuayoukai

Thank you for taking the time to check out our recruitment. We wish you the best of luck this tier & future tiers to come!