Returning for S2 looking for Chill Raiding Guild

Coming back from a small break and looking for a chill place to hang my hat.
I have several AOTCs and a few KSMs. Would like to find a casual chill place to raid do key groups and enjoy the game again.

-Looking to play an Arms warrior OR maybe a Shadow Priest
-Would like a 1 day raiding group but could swing two days
-Raid time would need to be on or after 8pm CST as thats when my little on goes to bed

Please Please Please do not comment if you are looking to do any Mythic bosses not interested in anything but Heroic

I know its alot of ask but really tired of pugging content and looking for a place to enjoy wow again!

Hey there, not sure if you found a home yet but we are looking for raiders for our roster who want to ach. AOTC/Mythic and push keys. The two classes you are thinking about are actually two classes we are looking for. I linked our current recruitment post below so you know what we are all about should you have further questions.

I can always be reached by discord @Kayliee

Happy Hunting!

looks great but times are not gonna work for me. thanks though

Hey, my guild is Keepers of the Dark and we are an AOTC and Mythic+ guild looking to fill our roster for 11.2! We are always running keys, with some players pushing 3k+ io. We have a dedicated key night on Thursdays 9-11pm EST and Friday is our alt/fun raid from 9-11:30pm EST. Our focus is to build our raid team, but we are also always welcoming players of all skill levels.

Progression Raid Time: Sunday @ 9-11:30pm EST

Currently Recruiting: All roles

If you are interested in joining or have any questions, please reach out on Discord(majorfrog) or in-game(MajorFrog#1651).

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Are you looking for a home?

My name is Shavalo aka Rahiko on disc and bnet. I am an officer and main recruiter for The Corrupted Order. We are ready to push mythic hard for s2!

What are we offering?

The Corrupted Order is currently recruiting for Nerub-ar Palace!

Our primary goal is to achieve a respectable environment that individuals can consider their virtual family! Our main core is raiding/mythic+ however we are improving more into the roles of social environment as well as future pvp endeavors!
While doing heroic queen kills and start to prog into mythic. If you’re looking for a place to call home, we invite you to join us on our adventure


Our War Within record:
AOTC Heroic Queen
3/8 Mythic
20% Rash


We are currently looking for individuals to join us in running keys of all varieties. We don’t want to exclude anyone, even if you’re only doing 2s and 3s. Our goal is to encourage all our members to enjoy themselves and have a great time playing this game!


If you feel you are struggling and need assistance our current Gm and many other members of the guild just want everyone to show they want us to improve as well as providing coaching on what to improve and show individuals how they can do that. We want you to be your best and we are determined to help you get there!

About Us

The Corrupted Order a non-elitist guild looking to enjoy the game and turn our guildies into our virtual family! As The Corrupted Order wants to keep expanding into future expansions, if you chose to join us we will continue to crush future content, downing bosses, and enjoy the adventure together!

Raiding Schedule/Raiding Teams

Our Team Corrupted current raiding schedule is subject to change;

Tuesday - 9:30PM - 11:30PM EST Mythic
Friday- 10:00PM - 12:30AM EST Mythic

We want our raid nights to be an enjoyable time. However, we still expect users to show their commitment! Currently for mythic we are requiring a 620 ilvl.

Raid Roster

Roles needed:

Tanks: full but, needed for mythic+ nights

DPS: RDP and Monk

Healers: Shaman/monk!

But most importantly:

We welcome like-minded individuals who want to continue raiding and participating in Mythic+ beyond achieving AotC. We’re looking to add more players who are humble and open to learning together. If you think you’re the best and never make mistakes, this guild might not be the right fit for you. Keep the elitist mindset to race to world first guilds thanks!

***Exceptional applicants can feel free to sign up even if we aren’t recruiting your class/spec. Outstanding applications will always be considered.

Our Simple Raiding Requirements for The War Within

  1. You must attempt to be able to raid Tuesday’s and Friday’s from the set times given.

We understand you guys have lives. We all do that being said we do not expect everyone to spend all of their free time in a video game! Raid invites go out 15 minutes before the start time as well as a notification in game and discord. If you are unable to attend, please notify the raid leader or an officer in advance additionally, update your status on the sign-up sheet in the respective teams channel on Discord.

  1. Come prepared with the knowledge or ability to take criticism of your class/spec/talent choices, current content raid bosses and mechanics we will teach you if you ask!.

Be able to perform decently with your chosen class, spec, and talent choices. We won’t tell you how to play your class or spec, but if your performance is noticeably lacking on a per-fight basis, it will be addressed privately AGAIN many individuals are here to help you learn if you are unsure about parses our GM loves teaching about those or anyone in the guild would love to teach you about your class if they know! We log our fights for your review and will post boss fight videos when they become available to help everyone familiarize themselves with the current raid content.

  1. Have Discord installed

We use Discord as our primary form of communication. Please have it installed so you can at least listen in. A working microphone is also helpful, as some fights may require direct communication from you.

How to join The Corrupted Order

If you require a response from myself immediately please contact me here;
Guild Recruiter: Rahiko#1225 - Rahiko (Discord)
Preferably contact me on disc please! :slight_smile:

Big Facts is Recruiting!
Are you looking for a chill, non-toxic guild that’s all about steady progression without the pressure of meta-chasing or elitist attitudes? Look no further!

What We’re About:
:star2: Raid Progression at a Normal Pace – No sweaty tryhards, just good vibes and steady teamwork.
:video_game: Raid Schedule: Fridays at 6-9 PM PST.
:medal_sports: Mythic+ Enthusiasts – We’re always running keys and working to push higher levels.
:muscle: Mythic Experience – Some of us have been around the block and are happy to share tips and tricks.
:handshake: Welcoming to New and Returning Players – Whether you’re just getting back into the swing of things or starting fresh, we’ve got your back.

Who We’re Looking For:
We’re a very new guild building a strong, supportive community. All roles and experience levels are welcome! If you’re ready to dive into Season 2 of War Within with a team that prioritizes fun and steady growth, join us today!

Let’s make some Big Facts together! win forever

Reach out for more info or an invite!
Discord Offseeker#8065

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Short List - Zul’jin is recruiting! We’re a little earlier in the night than you mention, but we tend to gang up and clear stuff later in the week in addition to our one regular night of prog.

Fun and friendly bunch of actual adult humans with interests in things that may or may not be age-appropriate. We try to knock out “Ahead of the Curve” as early as possible in a given season, and snatch early KSM/KSH (and forthcoming KSL) achievements as well. Some of us creep up above 3k if the mood strikes.

Our weekly prog raid is Tuesday 7-10PM EST, with optional social events peppered in here and there. Keys daily. We’ll probably be clearing heroic twice a week until 11.1

Contact any of us in-game or me directly at Waves#11840

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What are you in need of atm?

Shadow Priest would be lovely. Generally though whatever you’re good at/enjoy the most is what we care about. Longevity and whatnot.

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What class or roll is in high demand?

Check us out! We raid 8pm PST

ok cool I will reach out when I get home still working on getting some gear on my Priest as they just hit 80

[Horde Brewing Company]
Join one of the longest-standing guilds in Azeroth!

We are Horde Brewing Company, a legendary guild that has been around since the launch of World of Warcraft in 2004. We’ve brewed up countless adventures over the years, and we’re looking to add some more talented raiders to our ranks! Whether you’re a seasoned veteran or new to the game, we’ve got a spot for you on one of our three raid teams.

Raid Teams

Raid Group A

  • Schedule: Tuesday & Wednesday | 9:00 PM - 12:00 AM EST

  • Focus: Mythic progression. This group is for dedicated, high-level raiders who want to push the limits of what we can achieve. Strong commitment and performance are key!

  • Progression: 6/8 Mythic Nebular-Palace

  • Open Roles: All classes and specs welcome, with priority given to Evokers and Rogues.

  • Raid Leader: Discord: Talicso - Talicso#1972

Raid Group B

  • Schedule: Tuesday & Wednesday | 8:30 PM - 11:30 PM EST
  • Focus: Semi-hardcore raiding with a laid-back atmosphere. Progression is important, but we don’t mind having some fun while doing it.
  • Progression: AOTC and some mythic depending on what the group wants.
  • Open Roles: All roles considered. If you’re looking for a balanced, relaxed yet focused raid group, this is the place!
  • Raid Leader: Discord: Joemauma. -

Raid Group C

  • Schedule: Friday & Saturday | 8:30 PM - 11:30 PM EST
  • Focus: Weekend warriors, unite! This group is perfect for those who want to raid on weekends and still enjoy some real-life downtime. We aim to progress without the weekday stress.
  • Progression: Going for S2 AOTC , and see where the team wants to go after.
  • Open Roles: Healer, Ranged DPS.
  • Raid Leader: Discord: Warptoato - Apando#1646

What We’re Looking For:

  • Reliable and consistent raiders who can attend scheduled raid nights.
  • Players who understand their class, role, and how to contribute to the team’s success.
  • A positive attitude and teamwork mindset—Horde Brewing Company is all about having fun and supporting one another.
  • Previous raiding experience is a plus, but not required!

What We Offer:

  • A welcoming and inclusive atmosphere—whether you’re a casual player or a hardcore raider, you’ll feel at home.
  • Weekly raid nights with an emphasis on progression and fun.
  • A guild that’s been around since 2004, meaning we’ve built a long-standing community and a ton of memories together.
  • Guild perks include flasks, pots, repairs, and more.

Ready to Join the Brew Crew?

If you’re looking to be part of a legendary guild with a rich history and an exciting future, we’d love to have you.

To apply, reach out to any of the raid leaders or myself, Olma#1277 in-game or send me a message via Discord: whiteannerdy94. Be sure to include your class, spec, and the raid group you’re interested in.

We look forward to raiding with you and continuing to build the Horde Brewing Company legacy!!Q!

Hello! I’m representing Utsukushii Saisei! We are currently looking for skilled and dedicated players for 11.1, and your experience sounds like a great fit. We raid on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 11:00 PM - 2:00 AM EST. Hopefully our raid time works for you. Let me know if you have time to hop on Discord or Feel free to add me Zluci / Zluc#11533!

we are open to all as season 2 has not finished shaping up

[A H] AOTC raid guild - Recruitment / Communities Recruitment - World of Warcraft Forums

Take a look

Good morning! My team is a casual AOTC team looking for more going into 11.1!
We raid Sun/Mon 8:30-10:30 pm Central. I would love to chat with you more if you’re interested :slight_smile: Arakkias#1208
Discord: arakkias

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