Hello friends! Hope you find a home.
I’ll reach out on discord, very interested.
Are you looking for hard mythic prog or just a casual mythic raiding experience?
Hey everyone else! Naughtytime here! GM/Raid lead of the EO
Back with some more guild recruiting! Alliance guild, Kel’thuzad.
This last tier was a huge test for me personally. I was down over 15+ raiders and multiple officers from castle tier, and relatively it went pretty smooth! I have recruited some awesome people and super excited to see where we can go in 9.2
We are currently on raid break to rest up and take a mental break for 9.2. I think Everyone reading this knows 9.1 was a hell of a wild patch lol.
We are an AOTC/casual mythic prog team. We push heroic content pretty hard core then progress as long as we can into mythic before the tier ends. We finished 10/10 AOTC and 1/10 mythic in the SoD tier! We had problems getting a consistent 20 people without pugs and we know how rough pugs can be
Which is why I am here posting this!! I need more committed gamers for our raid team!
We raid wed/Thursday usually, with some Tuesday sprinkled in to match times for people (this is ALWAYS communicated and voted on) 7-10 server (9-12 eastern for a reference)
DPS : Mage, Monk, DK, druid, hunter, ETC. Literally about anything. We are not being picky!
Healer : Druid, shaman, monk, disc priest. (2 holy priest right now
Tanks : We have our tanks set, but one of our main tanks is a very good damage and it would be a nice boost to have him able to damage. A tank that could communicate, and we could depend on would be an awesome find for us!
I really appreciate all the people that have stood by my side since the start of this expansion and of course the new people that helped us with our 9.2 tier. I am looking forward to where we can go from here and push farther into mythic content. I feel like we have a strong team willing to work together, along with possibly some old raiders coming back to bolster our roster. New blood will only make us stronger!
Mythic keys are done regularly, 9.2 should be a good patch for us with keys! We have a lot of people running them right now! PVP has always been dead, but it’s never out of the question
Horde are always welcome; I understand transfer changes are hard and to trial is a pain in the butt. But I am sure we can figure something out, so you have a home! Come to the dark side!!
Super excited to here from of you and hope I can welcome you to our guild with open arms!
Contact me here - Excited to chat 
Discord - Ty - Resent#3575
Bnet - Bubonict#1987