Returning CE Resto Shaman LF Mythic Guild


About me
Raid leader of many years looking to simply settle down as a raider and just enjoy raiding and healing. Particularly enjoy engaging with everything healing related(Discussing comps, setting healing rotations, etc).
I have been playing shaman for as long as i can remember. I also usually have a second healing class leveled up and geared up. Unlikely to catch up on my alt for what’s left of BFA but when Shadowlands will go live, i will most likely have an alt geared up again along my main shaman.

I can raid pretty much any nights of the week however i really want to stick to a 8:00PM - 11PM EST ~ish schedule. I can’t do earlier than 8 but i could do a bit later than 11. Ideally 3 nights a week.

What i’m looking for
An active guild with a stable roster. By active guild i don’t necessarily mean within WoW only. Having a good comunity where people enjoy playing with each other and can branch out to other games when WoW gets stale and grindy. I’m looking for a more mature ambience. I’m not interested in toxic environment or guilds where people can’t seem to be able to not slur every time they talk/write.
As far as progression goes, my objective is cutting edge so i am looking for a guild that has the same mind set. I don’t really care for top100, top500 or w/e. I just want to raid and clear content when it’s current.

What i offer
A reliable and accountable raider. I log on time prepared with consumables for every raid. As much as i like parsing and rankings, i understand progression may mean i need to hold on a CD for a specific mechanic. I can be trusted with handling mechanics and certain callouts. Having been a RL for so long, it’s pretty much second nature to be aware of what mechanics are to come.
I’m a very proactive healer. I have a very good “spatial awareness”. I know where people are and who’s going to be hit by a mechanic.
I also keep up to date with everything resto shaman related.

For what it’s worth, i also record every first kill. I can provide a sick healer PoV with MDI level gameplay IQ if you also make videos out of first kills.

Bnet - Milky#1852

<Rally> 3/8M is a guild formed by players who want to take their raiding time a bit more seriously. We are looking to push CE next tier and beyond with a solid core. We are an adult guild without toxicity. Stability and attendance a top priority. We pride ourselves on pushing out characters as much as possible, including running logs and sims.

Current needs are an exceptional healer, amazing dps including Shadow Priests and balance druids and a warlock.

Our raid times are Tuesday, Friday, Saturday 8pm - 11pm server /eastern.

We aim to run M+ at any time and are looking for more people to join us for 8.3 and beyond into the Shadowlands. We are trying to build a guild that people not only want to be apart of but also help grow and thrive as a community.

If you want to know more add me on Discord: Killyouback#3441 or on battlenet: Amerik#11242

still looking!

Illidan[H] REWIND 6/8M 2 days guild


We are recruiting for core spot in mythic raiding. Currently 6/8M and 9/9M in BoD.

Raid times

Tuesday/Wednesday 7PM to 10PM CST (Need to be online 15 minutes before raid to do trash).


Close to 100% attendance is required obviously RL happens, but we raid only 6 hours per week, so almost perfect attendance is required to be a raider.

How to Apply

  • Visit our website : rewindguild (dot)me

  • Before filling up the application, Read raider expectations, it’s easy and takes 2 sec.

  • If you don’t put any effort in your app, probably shouldn’t app.

  • Don’t see your class or spec? No worries! Applications are always open, and every class, role, and spec is encouraged to app.


If you have any questions feel free to message any of the below (please note that adding someone doesn’t mean you won’t need to app

Nietto : Battletag Mat#11420

Shdwphnx : Battletag Shdwphnx#1623

Rawrlax : Snoarlax#1646

Asagami : Battletag Sasha#12635