Returning CE raider lfg

Hi all,

Im an ex multi CE raider that like many bailed in shadowlands after CN. I have returned for S4 and TWW and am looking for an OCE guild to call home for some raiding and m+.

Currently maining a rduid on frostmourne for s4 (returned last week of S3), however have played multiple roles in raids over the years. Id hapily provide logs if they werent so old they are irrelevant.

Im can be available most days but would like to find a guild aiming to raid 2-3 days a week.

Feel free to hit me up here or on btag Seraphim#12463

No idea why it picked my 58 to post under, this is my rdruid

I sent a BNet friend request, happy to discuss

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Our Raid Leader at Squirrely Inc is going to add your btag as we are looking for a restoration druid for our Raid Team on Thursday and Monday nights from 6:30pm