Hi guys,
We both took a hiatus from wow right at the beginning of BFA due to personal reasons. We are pretty good friends and have raid together for a while. We recently decide to come back to WoW for shadowland and is currently seeking a home.
Pref to stay Horde
Raid time - Anything after 10PM EST
We have logs if you would like to look at them.
Right now, we are not in a hurry but we would definitely like to keep our options up til shadowland.
We like to push Mythic+s whenever we are not raiding
Pm me at LittoD#1672
We just started up a guild of returning players, we are looking for new players to get us up and running dungeons. A few of us have already been thru heroics and mythic+, but we would like to get some guild runs going. We don’t really have a set schedule as of yet, the majority of us are flexible.
We are not looking to be hardcore, as most of us have a life outside of wow and have kids. We play the game to have fun and meet people. Saying that we also are planning on doing mythic dungeons. We would like to start raiding (10 mans at the least) before Shadowlands hit.
Since its kind of late into this expansion we want to do at much as we can in preparation for Shadowlands.
Not sure if you are looking to help a guild from the bottom up, or something that is already established. But if this sounds like something you would be interested in, hit me up on discord. I’m usually in most of the day.
We are located in MST so would be starting 8:30-9:00pm our time and is 10:30 est. Realm is Gurubashi [H] casual guild looking for more!
discord: discord.gg/ntTktSD or Morlanith#4704
bnet: Morlanith#1757
Good players, will vouch for em
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Check out the recruitment discord! Guilds are sorted by faction, type (CE, AOTC, etc) and raiding schedule (Weekend/Weekday, etc) to make finding a home easier. If you need any help, just post in the help channel, and our mods will assist you as they are available to do so.
We wipe the channels every tier so they stay current. Good luck and happy hunting!
Link: https://discord.gg/vN2sWsB
PS you can also search in a specific channel for a certain time by using the search bar and selecting a channel you’re interested in. Once you have that you can put a time or a day, etc in order to make sure that you find guilds that meet your schedule needs. The screenshot below is an example. The right side shows the guilds in Horde CE 3 Day that raid at 10pm.
Let’s talk and see if we are suitable for your guild!