Returning CE player LF weekend horde in SL

Hello! I’m a returning CE player who is looking for a weekend raiding guild in Shadowlands on my hunter.

I have experience in CE since MoP. Prefer to stay Horde. Definitely only want weekends. Preferably 6 hours, could do 8. No later than Midnight EST.

Contact me either here with your info or on Discord ezpk999#5787 and I will give more info!

Hello, I am Co-GM of the guild The Deviants on Zuljin server horde side and raid lead for both weekday and weekend team for our guild. We are currently on raid break until the new expansion drops. We are recruiting in regards to Shadowlands raid content for weekday as well as our weekend raid team.

8/8 EP Heroic
12/12 Nyalotha Heroic
4/12 Nyalotha Mythic

-Tuesday and Friday both 6-9 central pm
-Looking to recruit for Heals, DPS and possibly Off-tank/DPS
-Entry level for newer raiders with a more lenient enviroment
-Normal to Heroic each tier

-Saturday and Sunday both 6-9 central pm
-Looking to recruit for Ranged DPS -Warlock,Mage,Boomkins and Hunters
-Mythic raider Mentality with stricter enviroment
-Normal to Heroic to Mythic Progression

-Good Attendance barring Emergencies
-Fully enchanted , with personal food and proper pots for your class and spec
-A general understanding of raid bosses as we approach them
-Improving yourself thru world questing, reps, keys, etc…
-Good knowledge of your toon and spec, if need assistance this will be the player responsibility to seek this out.
-Cauldrons will be provided

The goal is to succeed as a team amd progress thru content via communication,structure and continued improvement in and out of raid enviroments without the elitist mentality or attitude. We want to supply opportunities for the entry level raider with our weekday team as well progression raiding with our weekend team.

Please contact me here, via Btag Magic#1799 or ingame Boogeymanx or Orrdaddy.


Welcome back. We’re looking to fill RDPS slots moving into Shadowlands. I’ll save you from spam. If you’ve got time take a look at my recruitment post for some information on the history of the guild and what we’re looking to accomplish in SL. Feel free to reach out, or complete and application if you’d like someone in recruitment to schedule the next step.

Our mythic team is currently looking for RDPS, everyone here has either achieved cutting edge or was close to it in BFA or SL, i would love to have a chat with you. Here is our copy pasta

Hope to hear from you soon

Hi, I am the raid leader of Misfit Militia (Horde) on Hyjal. We are looking for players interested in Mythic raiding in Shadowlands. Our plan is to raid Normal and Heroic progression and determine the Mythic team based on performance/attendance. No core team established but currently have 22 raiders for normal/heroic. Our raid schedule is 6:30-9:30PM PST. Itsricky#1431 for more info