Returning CE DPS looking for heroic/mythic raiding guild

Hey guys, just coming back from legion when I raided CE around US 115 in ToS, looking for a raiding guild to push mythic hopefully and do a lot of m+ with. Looking to main hunter right now, but i’m pretty flexible on class.

Feel free to leave a comment with contact, or my BNET is Bob#13526 if you want to hit me up to talk and I can send you parses/logs or anything.

ECS is looking for members to push through heroic and onto mythic. We are 3/10 and should be 5/10 tonight. We raid Wednesday and Thursday 7 to 10 PST (Server Time) and have an optional Monday raid at same time.

If interested hit me up: Irvingskyman#1857 bnet or Irvingskyman#4338 Discord