Returning Bear LF Guild

Hi I am getting back into WoW after a couple months off the game.
I decided to take a break week 3 of DF S2 because I burnt myself out and I have not taken a break from the game since BFA S4.
I was doing 20s on my Guardian Druid in week 2 and I have AOTC.

I do have Mythic raid experience and in DF S1 I did get a Mythic Broodkeeper kill on my BDK. Was pushing 23s and the odd 24 on my Bear in S1.

Guardian druid is 440ilvl

I am looking for a Mythic guild with raid times no later than 10pm Server.

For more info drop your discord down below and I’ll reach out. Thanks :slight_smile:

hi, what server? We are on Dath’remar. Anarchy inc is a AOTC and social guild. We have a few NZ peeps so raid time is 7.30-9.30pm Server Time Thu/Sun. My discord is _zwirbel and battle tag Zwirbel#1679

Still looking

Might be worth a look :slight_smile:

Hey there :slight_smile:

Not sure if you’re still looking, but my guild, The Collective is on Barthilas.
We currently have an AOTC raid team (Wed/Mon 8:30-10:30pm aest) and a mythic raid team (Wed/Mon 8:15-10:30pm aest) - subject to tryouts for the mythic team.

We also run more casual raid runs that are open to everyone (providing you meet ilvl requirement), and have lots of members that run M+.

Link for our current recruitment post → [A/H] Barthilas <The Collective> Tanks/Healers/DPS

If you have any further questions or wish to discuss further, feel free to add me on discord: cynters

big big bump bump